Hearings Committee


Chairperson: Councillor Alison Short

Deputy Chairperson: Deputy Mayor Michael Ford

Committee: Councillors Bridget Bell, Grant Hadfield, Andrew Quarrie and Fiona Underwood.


To hear and determine matters of a regulatory nature where a public hearing is required to enable people to have their say.


  1. Matters of a regulatory nature requiring a hearing or a related decision under the following Acts:
    • Resource Management Act 1991
    • Local Government Act 1974 & 2002
    • Dog Control Act 1996
    • Health Act 1956
  2. Except as otherwise specified in a Council bylaw or relevant legislation, deciding appeals from Council’s bylaws.
  3. Other matters of a regulatory nature considered appropriate.
  4. A hearing panel relevant to the hearing required will be made up of members assigned from the committee, as decided by the Chairperson of the Hearings Panel and General Manager – Corporate and Regulatory.
  5. For an RMA hearing a commissioner external to the Hearings Committee may be appointed as outlined in Delegation of Authority Section 4.42.

Delegated Authority

Committee delegated authority to act on all matters within its Terms of Reference (except those excluded by Clause 32(1) Schedule 7, Local Government Act 2002, and under the First Schedule Resource Management Act 1991).

Health Act 1956

Hear and decide revocation of registration (S.120 (3)).

Manawatu District Bylaws

Except as otherwise specified in a Council bylaw or relevant legislation, deciding appeals from Council’s bylaws.

Planning functions

Powers and responsibilities under the Resource Management Act 1991.

Local Government Act 1974

Powers to stop any road or part thereof in the District pursuant to Section 342(1)(a) of the Act.

Dog Control Act 1996

To hear and determine objections in accordance with the provisions of the Dog Control Act 1996.

Local Government Act 2002

In addition to the above, the Committee also has delegated authority under the Council’s Development Contributions Policy to:

  • Consider and decide on applications for leave to apply for further review of remission decisions made by officers under delegated authority; and
  • Consider and hear applications for further review of remission decisions where leave has been granted for the application to be considered and heard by the Committee.


RMA and District Plan Hearings: Hearing Panel as set by the Chairperson and General Manager – Corporate and Regulatory.

Other Hearings: three members of the committee

Meeting Cycle

Hearings held as and when required