Manawatū District Youth Council

What We Do as a Youth Council

Formerly known as Youth Ambassadors, the Youth Council has input and a voice in Council decisions that affect their community. It also provides an opportunity for the Youth Council members to learn government processes and to develop leadership skills.

As per the Youth Council’s Terms of Reference, members are required to engage with their wider youth community in collating viewpoints for inclusion in submissions to Council. This will assist elected members in forming a decision knowing this wider community’s viewpoint.

In conjunction with providing community feedback to Council, the Youth Council is a youth driven platform on which to mutually engage. The Youth Council can act as an avenue to develop skills and involve youth in civic engagement, government and its decision making processes.

The Youth Council creates an annual work plan with measurable targets in which to review value of time, energy and money invested. Targets generally include:

  • Identifying issues that are important to young people in the Manawatū District, and where appropriate propose positive solutions.
  • Making submissions to Council, both written and oral, on matters of interest or concern to young people. Make submissions to government on issues affecting youth in the Manawatū.
  • Involvement in community projects such as:
    • Manawatū Young Achievers Awards - acknowledging the effort and success demonstrated by our youth
    • Feilding Colour Run - a free event aiming to encourage physical activity in our community
    • Little Christmas
    • Other community events that benefit from youth involvement/organisation.

The Manawatū District Youth Council is also one of Council’s key stakeholders in the implementation of Council’s Youth Action Plan.
