Representative Fund - CLOSED

This fund has been fully subscribed to and is now closed for 2024/25.

The Representative Fund supports individuals or teams who have been selected or have qualified to represent Manawatū District or New Zealand at a national or international event and directly contributes to the Community Development Strategy’s vision of “Our District offers a high quality of life for all residents”.

The Representative Fund will support events that align well with at least one of the following Community Development Strategy goals:

  • We have creative, cultural and recreational participation in our communities.
  • Our people have learning opportunities that enhance their life choices.
  • Our people share their skills and experience with others.

Those applying for this fund will need to demonstrate that:

  • They are a resident of the Manawatū District (within the boundary administered by the Manawatū District Council);
  • They have been selected or have qualified to represent the Manawatū District or New Zealand at a national or international event. Evidence of selection or qualification must be attached to the application.

The applicant should demonstrate how their attendance at the event aligns with at least one of the following goals:

  • We have creative, cultural and recreational participation in our communities
  • Our people have learning opportunities that enhance their life choices
  • Our people share their skills and experience with others

Priority will be given to:

  • Individuals or teams that contribute to achieving one or more of the above listed goals
  • First time applicants
  • Representative activities that grow community leadership
  • Compliance with previous reporting requirements

What Can and Can’t Be Funded?

Please note that the Representative Fund does not fund businesses chosen to represent the district and/or attendance at events that enhance or benefit businesses.

The Representative Fund may assist with travel and accommodation costs as well as entrance fees to events that individuals or teams are either competing or representing. However, it will not fund uniforms, food, refreshments, personal expenses or retrospective funding.

Accountability Requirements

The conditions of receiving funding are:

  • An evaluation report to be submitted to the Manawatū District Council within two months following the event. The report to include:
    • Brief description of the highlights of the event attended
    • How the funding assisted in attending the event
    • What the applicant has planned for the future
    • Individuals or teams that receive funding agree to provide a brief verbal report to Council, as part of its Public Forum, on the benefits of their participation at the specified event.