Council Submissions

Manawatū District Council prepares submissions in response to proposed legislation or law changes. Submissions enable us to advocate on behalf of our community in matters which could directly affect them.

Through our submissions, we are able to influence laws passed by Parliament. In preparing a submission we will consider:

  • how the proposed changes will affect our communities
  • how the proposed changes will affect the operation of Council
  • alternative solutions that we think would bring about more benefit to our communities

We will often submit in support of submissions prepared by local government member organisations such as Taituarā and Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ).

Once Council makes a submission, it is considered, along with other submissions by Ministry Officials, Committees of Parliament or other decision makers, depending on the nature of the consultation.

You can find out more about submissions we have recently lodged, and those coming up by clicking the links below. Opportunities to feed in to our submissions, as well as our formal consultations can be found on our Have Your Say webpage.

Recently Lodged Submissions