Iwi In Our District

Raurutia e te ringa o Tūpore

Kōrerotia te kōrero o Manaaki

Tautokohia rā

Tauwhirotia rā

Kia whakarangatira

Hui e, taiki e

Hiki hikitia, hāpai hāpainga

Whakanuia, whakakatakata

Hui e, taiki e

He mihi manahau nā Te Kaunihera o te manawa i tū... hei hā!

United through compassion

Conversing with integrity

Supporting and

Caring for one another

Maintaining the highest standard of professionalism

Unified and ready to proceed

Uplifting and elevating one another

With celebration and laughter

Unified and ready to proceed

Warm greetings from the Manawatū District Council!


Words used in the pages linked below:

kaitiakitanga can be interpreted as the exercise of guardianship in accordance with tikanga Maori in relation to natural and physical resources; and includes the ethic of stewardship.

manaakitanga refers to hospitality, kindness, generosity, support - the process of showing respect, generosity and care for others.

mana whenua describes customary authority exercised by a specific iwi or hapu in an identified area.

Ngā Manu Tāiko refers to the collective comprising Manawatū District Council representatives and local marae and hapū representatives on issues that may help guide our community to move forward together.

rangatiratanga is chieftainship, right to exercise authority, leadership of a community of interest, attributes of a chief.

ūkaipōtanga means recognition of origins.

tangata whenua, in relation to a particular area, means the iwi, or hapu that holds mana whenua over that area.

wairua refers to spirit, soul - spirit of a person which exists beyond death.

For more information please contact our Principal Advisor - Māori on 06 323 0000.

Manaaki whenua, manaaki tangata, haere whakamua

Care for the land, care for the people, go forward