Manawatū District Council Agendas & Minutes
Recent agendas and minutes can be downloaded on this page, or click the links below for other information.
- Presentation - Agenda 5.1 Halcombe & Waituna West Schools - Agri Kids (15.1MB pdf)
- Presentation - Agenda 5.3 Coralee Hadfield (2.3MB pdf)
- Tabled Attachment 10.4 Amendment P265 - Community Development Policy - tracked changes final edits (1.5MB pdf)
- Tabled Item - 10.6 MDC Gambling Venues Policy 2024 V3 (3.9MB pdf)
- 10.2 Attachment A - Land Transport Network Activity Management Plan 2024 (21.3MB pdf)
- 10.2 Attachment B - Three Waters Asset Management Plan 2024-34 (5.5MB pdf)
- 10.2 Attachment C - Community Facilities Asset Management Plans (4.2MB pdf)
- 10.3 Attachment - MDC Long Term Plan 2024 (34.3MB pdf)
- Late Report - 11.1 Adoption of Planning Service Charges and Food Act Fees and Charges 2024-25 (279KB pdf)
- Late Report - 11.1 Attachment Planning Service Charges and Food Act Fees and Charges 2024-25 (1.6MB pdf)
- Tabled Attachment 10.3 - Changes to LTP - requested by Audit NZ since Adoption Papers (87KB pdf)
- 5.1 Presentation - LTP Deliberations (543KB pdf)
- Attachment 1 - Submissions 001 to 050 (7.7MB pdf)
- Attachment 2 - Submissions 051 to 100 (22.6MB pdf)
- Attachment 3 - Submissions 101 - 150 (62.7MB pdf)
- Attachment 4 - Submissions 151-200 (53.1MB pdf)
- Attachment 5 - Submissions 201-269 (65.7MB pdf)
- Attachment 7 - Initiatives proposed by Submitters to the LTP 2024-34 (2.7MB pdf)
- Attachment 8 - Ideas raised by submitters to the Long-term Plan 2024-2034 (2.1MB pdf)
- 10.1 District Plan attachments (11.3MB pdf)
- 10.4 LTP Submissions 001 to 050 (7.7MB pdf)
- 10.4 LTP Submissions 051 to 100 (22.6MB pdf)
- 10.4 LTP Submissions 101 - 150 (62.7MB pdf)
- 10.4 LTP Submissions 151-200 (53.1MB pdf)
- 10.4 LTP Submissions 201-269 (108.4MB pdf)
- 6. Presentation - Deep-South Report (1.9MB pdf)
- LTP - Friday 1.20PM - 153 - Allan Dodge handout (1.7MB pdf)
- LTP - Friday 1.50PM - 095 - Chris Dungan handout (603KB pdf)
- LTP - Friday 11.40am - 183 - Donna and Craig Matthews (77.3MB pdf)
- LTP - Friday 12.10pm - 181 Angela McIntyre-03-05-2024.pdf (3.5MB pdf)
- LTP - Friday 2.30pm - 190 - Manawatu Business Chamber LTP Submission - 2024-2034 (2.1MB pdf)
- LTP - Friday 2.40pm - 200-200a - Apiti Community Committee (2.7MB pdf)
- LTP - Friday 3.50pm 211-250 - Te Kotui Reo Taumata - Manurere Devonshire and Nadell Karatea (5.7MB pdf)
- LTP - Friday 4.10pm - 215 - Te Awa Community Foundation - handout (2.4MB pdf)
- LTP - Friday 4.40pm 212 - Te Hiiri Marae Atiria Reid and Tania Simmonds (2.3MB pdf)
- LTP - Friday 9.10am - 002 - MDC-short-Te Manawa presentation (1.3MB pdf)
- Attachment 1 - Schedule of Speakers - Thursday 2 May 2024 (32.1MB pdf)
- Attachment 2 - Schedule of Speakers - Friday 3 May 2024 (30.3MB pdf)
- Attachment 3 - Schedule of Speakers - Monday 6 May 2024 (12.9MB pdf)
- LTP - Thursday 6.00pm - 004 - Hiwinui Walkway presentation (237KB pdf)
- LTP - Thursday 6.50pm - 188 Keep Feilding Beautiful (184KB pdf)
- LTP - Thursday 6.30pm - 173 - Police support for Feilding and District Promotion (226KB pdf)
- Attachment 1 - Schedule of Speakers - Thursday 2 May 2024 (32.1MB pdf)
- Attachment 2 - Schedule of Speakers - Friday 3 May 2024 (30.3MB pdf)
- Attachment 3 - Schedule of Speakers - Monday 6 May 2024 (12.9MB pdf)
- LTP - Thursday 6.00pm - 004 - Hiwinui Walkway presentation (237KB pdf)
- LTP - Thursday 6.50pm - 188 Keep Feilding Beautiful (184KB pdf)
- LTP - Thursday 6.30pm - 173 - Police support for Feilding and District Promotion (226KB pdf)
- Attachment Item 9.1 Community Strategy Development Document - Updated (17.5MB pdf)
- Attachment Item 9.2 Annual Report 2021-2022 (4.8MB pdf)
- Feilding Little Theatre Options Report (292KB pdf)
- Late Item - Memorandum of Understanding Three Waters Reform (408KB pdf)
- Presentation Item 6.1 Proposed Bioplant Pyrolysis Facility for Feilding (1.8MB pdf)
- Presentation Item 7.1 CEDA Update (2.6MB pdf)
- Presentation Item PE1 Feilding Little Theatre Options (2.1MB pdf)
- Attachment Item 11.1 FDP Draft accounts to 30-06-2021 (209KB pdf)
- Attachment Item 11.2 Appendices Manawatu District Council Housing Strategy (9.7MB pdf)
- Attachment Item 11.3 Proposed Public Places Bylaw Annexes A and B (16.9MB pdf)
- Attachment Item 11.4 Representation Review 2021 Submissions (1.5MB pdf)
- Summary Statement of Proposal Public Places Bylaw (184KB pdf)
- Attachment 2 Draft Consultation Document - Shaping Our Next 10 Years (21MB pdf)
- Attachment 3 Three Waters Asset Plan (40.6MB pdf)
- Attachment 4 Roading Activity Management Plan MDC (7.6MB pdf)
- Attachment 5.1 Community Facilities Asset Management Plan - Cemeteries - 2021-31 (3.9MB pdf)
- Attachment 5.2 Community Facilities Asset Management Plan - Halls - 2021-31 (4.1MB pdf)
- Attachment 5.3 Community Facilities Asset Management Plan - Leisure and Recreational Facilities - 2021-31 (3MB pdf)
- Attachment 5.4 Community Facilities Asset Management Plan - Parks Reserves and Sportsgrounds - 2021-31 (4.6MB pdf)
- Attachment 5.5 Community Facilities Asset Management Plan - Property - 2021-31 (1.7MB pdf)
- Attachment 5.6 Community Facilities Asset Management Plan - Public Conveniences - 2021-31 (1.9MB pdf)
- Attachment 5.7 Community Facilities Asset Management Plan - Strategic Summary - 2021-2031 (2.6MB pdf)
- Attachment 6 10 Year Plan 2021-2031 (48.4MB pdf)
- Item 11.1 ATT1 Material changes to 10 Year Plan, CD and 3Waters AMP since adoption for Audit (191KB pdf)
- Item 11.1 ATT2 Draft Consultation Document - Shaping Our Next 10 Years (45.7MB pdf)
- Item 11.1 ATT3 Three Waters Asset Management Plan 2021-51 (39.7MB pdf)
- Item 11.1 ATT4.1 Roading Programme Business Case 2021-2024 (11.6MB pdf)
- Item 11.1 ATT4.2 Roading Activity Management Plan 2021-51 (7MB pdf)
- Item 11.1 ATT5.1 Community Facilities Asset Management Plan - Cemeteries - 2021-31 (3.9MB pdf)
- Item 11.1 ATT5.2 Community Facilities Asset Management Plan - Halls - 2021-31 (4.1MB pdf)
- Item 11.1 ATT5.3 Community Facilities Asset Management Plan - Leisure and Recreational Facilities - 2021-31 (3MB pdf)
- Item 11.1 ATT5.4 Community Facilities Asset Management Plan - Parks Reserves and Sportsgrounds - 2021-31 (4.6MB pdf)
- Item 11.1 ATT5.5 Community Facilities Asset Management Plan - Property - 2021-31 (1.7MB pdf)
- Item 11.1 ATT5.6 Community Facilities Asset Management Plan - Public Conveniences - 2021-31 (1.9MB pdf)
- Item 11.1 ATT5.7 Community Facilities Asset Management Plan - Strategic Summary - 2021-2031 (2.6MB pdf)
- Item 11.1 ATT6 Draft 10 Year Plan 2021-2031 (49.3MB pdf)
- Item 11.2 Attachment Draft Revenue and Financing Policy (4MB pdf)
- Item 11.3 Attachment Draft Development and Financial Contributions Policy (3.1MB pdf)
- Presentation - Environment Network Manawatu (4.8MB pdf)
- Presentation - Quarterly Economic Update December 2020 (4.7MB pdf)
- Item 11.2 Annex B Strategic Framework Final (21.8MB pdf)
- Item 11.2 Annex B 2. Recreation Complexes Sub-Plan Final (9.8MB pdf)
- Item 11.2 Annex B 3. Libraries Sub-Plan Final (8.2MB pdf)
- Item 11.2 Annex B 4. Arts and Cultural Facilities Sub-Plan Final (12.2MB pdf)
- Item 11.2 Annex B 5. Community Halls Sub-Plan Final (6.8MB pdf)
- Item 11.2 Annex B 6. Social Service Facilities Sub-Plan Final (10.1MB pdf)
- Item 11.2 Annex B 7. Public Conveniences Sub-Plan Final (10.3MB pdf)
- 11.1 ATT 2019-20 Annual Report (10MB pdf)
- 11.1 ATT 2019-20 Independent Auditors Report (177KB pdf)
- 11.4 Annex B1 Arts and Cultural Facilities Sub-Plan (12.2MB pdf)
- 11.4 Annex B2 Community Facilities Strategic Framework (7.9MB pdf)
- 11.4 Annex B3 Community Halls Sub-Plan (6.8MB pdf)
- 11.4 Annex B4 Libraries Sub-Plan (8.2MB pdf)
- 11.4 Annex B5 Public Conveniences Sub-Plan (10.3MB pdf)
- 11.4 Annex B6 Recreation Complexes Sub-Plan (9.8MB pdf)
- 11.4 Annex B7 Social Service Facilities Sub-Plan (10.1MB pdf)
- 11.7 ATT MDC Final Housing Report-17-12-2020.pdf (5.7MB pdf)
- Late Item - Event Fund Application - NZ Rural Games Trust (6.1MB pdf)
- Presentation - Quarterly economic update - September 2020 (3.3MB pdf)
- Attachment 1 Item 11.2 - Updated Draft Infrastructure Strategy 2021-2051 (2MB pdf)
- Attachment 2 Item 11.2 - Draft Roading Activity Management Plan 2021-24 (5.9MB pdf)
- Attachment 3 Item 11.2 - Draft Roading Programme Business Case 2021-24 (10.6MB pdf)
- Attachment 4 Item 11.2 - Draft Three Waters Asset Management Plan (16.4MB pdf)
- Attachment 5 Item 11.2 - Draft Community Facilities Asset Management Plans (11.8MB pdf)
- Presentation - Feilding High School re Climate Change (1.7MB pdf)
- Collated 10YP Funding Requests - Hearings Document (6.1MB pdf)
- Handout - Bainesse Rangiotu Community Committee submission (647KB pdf)
- Handout - Halcombe Community Development Group submission (697KB pdf)
- Handout - Kiwitea Community Committee (812KB pdf)
- Handout - Pohangina Valley Community Committee submission (734KB pdf)
- Late - Funding Submitter 016 - Apiti Community Committee (677KB pdf)
- Presentation 1 - Tangimoana Community Committee (2.1MB pdf)
- Presentation 2 - Feilding Civic Centre Trust (273KB pdf)
- Presentation 3 - Rangiwahia Environmental Arts Centre Trust (5.9MB pdf)
- Annex A - Draft Reserve Management Plans Schedule of Submitters and Submissions (11.2MB pdf)
- Annex A - Draft Walking and Cycling Strategy Schedule of Submitters and Submissions (1.4MB pdf)
- Annex B and C - Draft Walking and Cycling Strategy (25.4MB pdf)
- Annexes B to G - Draft Reserve Management Plan (49.7MB pdf)
- ATT1 PC65 Section 32 Report (1.5MB pdf)
- ATT2 PC65 Section 32 Report - Appendix 1 - New NFL Chapter with Appendices (3.5MB pdf)
- ATT3 PC65 Section 32 Report - Appendix 2 - Amended Chapter 3A Network Utilities and 3D Earthworks (1.1MB pdf)
- ATT4 PC65 Section 32 Report - Appendix 3 - Planning Maps (12.7MB pdf)
- ATT5 PC65 Section 32 Report - Appendix 4 - Consequential Changes- Notification (1MB pdf)
- ATT6 PC65 Section 32 Report - Appendix 5 - Manawatu District Landscape Assessment (65.7MB pdf)
- ATT7 PC65 Section 32 Report - Appendix 6 - Consultation Record (467KB pdf)
- ATT8 PC65 Section 32 Report - Appendix 7 - Iwi Consultation Record (916KB pdf)
- Addendum to Item 11.1 Annual Plan 2020 21 Requests (10.7MB pdf)
- Presentation Environmental Network Manawatu (1.5MB pdf)
- Presentation Feilding Community Committee (382KB pdf)
- Presentation Halcombe Community Committee (3.4MB pdf)
- Presentation Kiwitea Community Committee (3.4MB pdf)
- Presentation Pohangina Community Committee (1.9MB pdf)
- Presentation Rangiwahia Community Committee (759KB pdf)
- Presentation Sport Manawatu (728KB pdf)
- Presentation William Cotton and Sons (1.9MB pdf)