The word is out that Manawatū is actually sweet as... We just need to get out in it and remind ourselves how good we have it here!
Go beyond your drive to work, to uni, or the supermarket and start enjoying the best of Manawatū.
Clear your afternoons and weekends of the things you've always done and go out and try something new.
*No returns or exchanges can come from this guarantee, if you're not surprised, look harder!
Wait, what? You want to test your knowledge about your backyard?
See how you score, go in the draw to win, then send to your friends and see if they can do better! (see terms and conditions)
Wait, why should I be proud of my region?
We know it can be hard to shrug off that wallflower mentality, but the votes are in and being a neg* just isn't cool anymore...
It's statistically proven that locals are less likely to explore their own region than visitors, and we have data to support the fact that locals believe the rest of Aotearoa thinks more poorly of Manawatū than they actually do.
* a neg = a negative person
So how do we switch this up, and why is it so important?
Palmerston North City i-SITE
The Square, Palmerston North
(626 292)
Feilding and District
Information Centre
Feilding Railway Station
61 Aorangi Street
+64 6 323 3318
Tap on the throughout our website to add an experience, accommodation, or event to ‘My Trip’, or explore directly from our interactive map. View Map >
You can drag and drop activities to reorder them. Try downloading so you can print or share your upcoming Manawatū itinerary