Introducing Antenno - the app to help you be in the know

Orange, blue and white banner that says 'Be in the know, get Antenno

The Manawatū District Council has launched Antenno: a free, easy to use app that help to connect residents with council updates - and for residents, the ability to report and inform council of what’s going on in your neighbourhood regardless of if it’s something going well or needs attention.

Using a standalone app organised by your personal preferences means no more checking for status updates or losing information in newsfeeds. Antenno doesn't require a login, but it does ask for an address. By pinpointing your home, work or school address, you are pinpointing the news and alerts that pertain to you.

Whether you are a long-time resident, a first-time homebuyer or renting in the District, Antenno is your tool to be in the know as you need to know. Visit your Apple App Store or Google Play Store and search ‘Antenno’ to download it today.

How To Download Antenno:

  1. Open the App Store or Google Play Store on your device.
  2. Search 'Antenno'.
  3. Tap the install button for Antenno. Remember Antenno is free and you do not need a form of payment to complete the download.
  4. Once downloaded, the app should appear on your device.

Frequently Asked Questions

Once you have downloaded the app, you then need to add places you care about in the ‘your places’ section. This could include your work, school, sports ground or home. You will then receive updates about this on your main feed.

You can report issues through the ‘Report it’ tab on the bottom menu of the app. You can fill out the requested information and even attach photos if you like.

Make sure that you have added an address within the Manawatū District. You will only see updates if one of the places you have added has been sent out updates from council. These updates can be seen in your posts feed.

Antenno provides tailored updates about locations and topics that you care about. Whereas our social media channels are a lot more broad, catering to everyone.

With Antenno you will receive specific information that you care about and can report issues with ease.

There are various ways that you can report a problem to council such as through our call centre. But Antenno is a quick and convenient way to send the information through to us using an app on your phone while also providing us with all the information that we need to follow up on your problem. You do not have to download Antenno to report a problem, but it is a convenient way to go about it.

Antenno is available for you to report your usual problems.

You can easily make reports about:

  • Rubbish & recycling:
    • Cleanup needed
    • Dumped rubbish
    • Public rubbish bin full
    • Problem with rubbish collection
  • Water, drains & sewer:
    • Blockage or flooding
    • Missing cover or grate
    • No water or low pressure
    • Pollution or smell
    • Sewer leak
  • Health & environment:
    • Food hygiene complaint
  • Parks & community facilities:
    • Cleanup needed
    • Maintenance required
    • Public rubbish bin full
    • Public toilet cleaning / maintenance
  • Feedback & ideas:
    • Feedback on a council service
    • Idea or suggestion
  • Graffiti & vandalism of MDC property:
    • Graffiti
    • Vandalism or damage
  • Roads & footpaths:
    • Cleanup needed
    • Footpath damage or obstruction
    • Road damage or obstruction
    • Roadside tree maintenance
    • Street sign, marking or structure issue

You can head into our library or council building on Manchester Street for instruction on how Antenno works. There is also resources through Manchester House and the library that help our older residents with technology.

If all else fails, you are welcome to utilise our call centre to report problems or follow along with our regularly used channels such as newspaper and social media.

The aim of Antenno is to provide relevant information to the places you care about.

By entering an address, you are signalling it as a place that you would like to receive information about.

Antenno does not capture personal data unless the user reports an issue to council, in which case the user is asked to provide their name and phone number as mandatory fields and their email address as an optional field. This data is stored on Antenno only for the time it takes to successfully submit an email report to council, at which point it is then removed. Your contact details will be held within council’s call logging system which will be securely held only for record-keeping purposes. There is no long-term storage of this information on Antenno's servers.

Antenno uses Datascape for its security. This is ISO27001 certified.

You can unsubscribe from certain topics that you feel don’t align with your interests and tailor the number of notifications you get to your preferences. This can be done within the app settings and you can also change the notifications on your phone settings for the app.

No, it is completely free to download and no subscription needed. You just need to add an address you care about to receive updates from council e.g. your school, work place, sporting location, family house etc.

The aim of Antenno is to provide relevant information for places you care about. It is unlikely that someone living in Palmy needs to receive posts about a change to refuse and recycling collection hours in Feilding, for example.

If it was broader, Antenno posts would start to resemble a social media feed that you need to sift through to find messages relevant to you.

If something comes up that affects the entire district, you'll still receive it.

The app uses Google as the source for its address data. This means that when Google Maps is updated with a newly created property address, the address will appear in Antenno. Antenno works by sending notifications to whichever parts of the district are relevant for that particular information, so an interim measure can be to find the nearest address that does appear in Antenno (or even a street name rather than a specific address, although if doing this we recommend you choose a short street). We suggest this because generally nearby addresses will receive the same notification.

If your report is not urgent, simply send your report through Antenno and it will be actioned the next working day.

If it is an urgent matter that needs attention immediately you will need to call us at 06 323 0000.

If it is of a criminal or life-threatening nature then you should dial 111 for the emergency services.

When you report an issue you will be assigned a reference number within the details of your report. If you need to contact us later about your report then you can contact us and quote the reference number. You will receive a final response when the request has been resolved.