LGOIMA Request Details

Date Received:06/06/2024
Date Responded:17/06/2024
Requested Information:Requesting all correspondence relating to infringement notice 99003211
 Please refer to the below incident notes contained in the council's system. The photos provided by the complainant and the statement (which has been redacted by Council to protect the privacy of individuals and because some was not relevant to your request) are included in this link - LG_2272_Documents_for_release.zip .

30 March 2024:
Customer advised his neighbour's Tri colour Heading dog came onto his property and attacked their sheep and damaged fencing which will cost of a lot. Customer advises this happened before with the same dog and the owners came over to collect their dog and not willing to help repair the fencing. Customer advises they have a picture of the dog which lives at *** or *** ** Te Para Para Road, Rangiwahia. The dog has a yellow tag on but did not see the number clearly.
Animal Control Officer (ACO) responded 18:20, tried to call complainant but number unavailable. ACO onsite 19:55. No one home. Notice left requesting contact from complainant. ACO home 21:15.
CCR 81895 - Responded 10:15, onsite approx. 11:15. Shown area of possible attack. And shown photos of dog. The complainant was given a statement to complete and will email ACO photo.
04 APR 2024:
Statement received, no direct evidence showing dogs chasing stock, Dog caught by complainant was returned to the ******* family. Text message from ******* confirms this. Photo of tag show last 3 digits of 987, this matches ***** 2024/6987 registered to ******* of *** Te Para Para rd.
11 APR 2024:
Called ***** requesting contact.
12 APR 2024:
No response from owner. infringement issued for failure to control/confine.
