LGOIMA Request Details

Date Received:02/07/2024
Date Responded:19/07/2024
Requested Information:Details of council spend on emergency management capability and staffing for year ending June 2022, 2023, 2024, and proposed budget for year ending June 2025
a .        MDC does not charge time to other councils when the Senior Emergency Management Officer delivers training on behalf of the CDEM Group either at a central location or locally. This is a reciprocal arrangement within the Region as capability development is part of all the Emergency Management Officer’s roles, to ensure that councils are able to fulfil their legislated requirements to provide emergency management responses and as such, a coordinated approach is applied in the Manawatu Whanganui CDEM Group. 
There is no specific spend on training and planning as this is part of the role for FTE Emergency Management Team. They are responsible for facilitating and assisting in Emergency Management training for all council staff both here at MDC and in the wider Regional CDEM Group, who are all required to complete Emergency Management training as part of their roles. However, a budget is provided to cover the sundry costs of printing and catering where required. This falls under a budget line entitled ‘Training & Development’ and has been as follows;
2023-24: $2389
2022-23: $2033 and
2021-22: $1314
b.         There are two (2) FTE council staff in the Emergency Management Team. There have been two periods, December 2022 – April 2023 and January 2024 – May 2024 where there was one (1) FTE in role due to staff resignations and recruitment processes. 
• As of 16th July 2024, we have 172 staff across all council, from CE downwards. It is a requirement that all staff complete the minimum standard of EM training as defined by the NEMA hosted Integrated Training Framework (ITF) platform.  As part of the staff induction process, all staff receive an Emergency Management input and brief overview of our hazards and expectations. 
With regard to the formal training, we are currently showing; 
75% of all staff having completed the ITF Foundation Training. 
52% of total staff have gone on to complete the ITF Intermediate Training. 
Three staff members have completed the Response & Recovery Aotearoa New Zealand Tier 1 Leadership Course. 
• As per question 1, there is no specific training budget as it is part of the Emergency Management Teams role and Council actively encourages and supports staff members to attend training sessions held at MDC as well as in the wider Region. 
There is an annual training and development budget of $2297 which is for printing training materials and tea & coffee as required. There are no plans or budget available to increase the FTE establishment within the Emergency Management Team. 
