LGOIMA Request Details

Date Received:14/07/2024
Date Responded:08/08/2024
Requested Information:Details of the fluoridation of MDC community water supplies
What parts of the region under the council’s jurisdiction are fluoridated?  
The water supply in Feilding is fluoridated, the other supplies are not.  
What fluoride chemicals are used to fluoridate the water supply?  
Hydrofluorosilicic acid 
What level is water fluoridated at?  
The average concentration measured in the Feilding water supply over the past month was 0.78mg/L. The maximum acceptable value under Table 2 of the Water Services (Drinking Water Standards for New Zealand) Regulations 2022 is 1.5mg/L 
How frequently is the level of fluoride in the water tested?  
Fluoride levels are monitored constantly by online instruments. The instruments are validated daily by our operations team using a bench top analysis and a sample is sent weekly to our contracted laboratory. 
Who performs the testing?  
See above. 
Where is the wastewater discharged?  
Wastewater from Feilding is discharged onto land within the irrigation area at the wastewater treatment plant and into the Oroua River. 
Is there a Resource consent for the discharge of fluoridation chemicals?  
ManawatÅ« DC holds a consent for discharge of treated wastewater onto land and to the Oroua River. The consent has specified requirements relating to organic material, nutrients, and other contaminants that may be harmful to the receiving environment but is silent on fluoride. 
Can you provide the section of the consent that permits the fluoride discharge?  
See above. 
Is there a Resource Consent held by the council to add fluoridation chemicals to the community water supplies?  
Water supply quality is managed through the Water Services (Drinking Water Standards for New Zealand) Regulations (2022), the Drinking Water Quality Assurance Rules (2022), and Aesthetic Values for Drinking Water (2022). A Resource Consent is not required to allow addition of fluoride to drinking water. 
How much per annum is spent on fluoridation chemicals?  
On average MDC spends approximately $3,620 (excl.GST) on fluoride for the Feilding water supply. 
How much per annum is spent on implementing water fluoridation?  
 Service and maintenance of the equipment costs approximately $1,200 per annum. 
How much per annum is spent on testing the levels of water fluoridation?  
MDC spends approximately $390 on laboratory testing for fluoride per annum. 
How much does it cost per Tonne of Hydrofluorosilicic Acid?  
Hydroflurosilicic acid costs approximately $760 per tonne of 22% (w/w) solution. 
How many tonnes of Hydrofluorosilicic Acid is added into the environment?  
We are not required to monitor the fluoride content of our treated wastewater discharges and so we cannot calculate the quantity of fluoride discharged into the environment from our operations. 
