LGOIMA Requests

To ensure full transparency, we make publicly available any information requests we have received. When the requested information is provided the request is updated with the response. In some cases where the information has not been made available, the decision to withhold has been in accordance with the Act to protect privacy.

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Search results: 580

18/03/2025Information regarding Bell Road East propertyWith Subject Matter ExpertDetails
15/03/2025Details of consents etc for properties off McDonnell RoadWith Subject Matter ExpertDetails
14/03/2025Amount paid in FY 24, FY 23 and FY 22 for music licensing feesWith Subject Matter ExpertDetails
14/03/2025Information about raised pedestrian crossingsAwaiting approval to releaseDetails
13/03/2025Rating information for 2023/24 financial yearAwaiting approval to releaseDetails
08/03/2025Requesting reference maps for any representation reviews done by MDC since 1989With Subject Matter ExpertDetails
28/02/2025Data on petitions received by Council between 01 Jan 2015 - 31 Dec 2024Awaiting approval to releaseDetails
28/02/2025Correspondence between MDC and LINZ regarding stopping of Opawe RoadCompleteDetails
25/02/2025All information, discussions and communication pertaining to the supply of waste to fuel an Energy from Waste or Waste-to-Energy facility. With Subject Matter ExpertDetails
17/02/2025How many building consents affected and how much has Manawatu District Council had to spend to rectify issues from Jonathan Hall's offending, if any?CompleteDetails
10/02/2025Request all details regarding roadside vegetation at 2489 Rangiwahia Road With Subject Matter ExpertDetails
04/02/2025Information about alcohol licences in MDC areaCompleteDetails
04/02/2025Request for water outage dataCompleteDetails
04/02/2025Information about issues with dogs in Ridge RoadCompleteDetails
31/01/2025Information about any Publicly notified resolutions regarding 194 Rangitikei Valley Road.CompleteDetails