Building Services Fees

Building Services fees and charges listed below have been set according to the Building Act 2004. They enable Manawatū District Council to recover the costs associated with processing applications, undertaking inspections and related work.

Fixed Fees - Fast track building consents (10 working days)

In addition to the fixed charges are any bonds that may be applicable, any structural engineering checking fees, vehicle crossing processing and inspection fees and any legal or consultancy cost that Council may incur during the processing of the applications.

In addition to the charges prescribed by the Manawatū District Council, are levies imposed by the Building Research Association of New Zealand (BRANZ) and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). The BRANZ levy of $1.00 per $1,000 is applied to all building consents and Certificates of Acceptance that have building work valued at $20,444.00 (including GST) or more. The MBIE levy of $1.75 per $1,000 is applied to all building consents and Certificates of Acceptance that have building work valued at $65,000.00 (including GST) or more.

Example 1: work value = $30,000     BRANZ = $30.00   MBIE = $0 (as work is below the $65,000.00 threshold)

Example 2: work value = $65,000     BRANZ =$65.00     MBIE = $113.75

These levies could be subject to change by the relevant authority.

Fixed fees (excluding fireplaces and minor building work) include a fixed planning fee of $50.00.

Please note: an additional fee will be charged if paying by credit card or paywave. Manawatū District Council does not receive any part of this fee.

Work Type Fee ($)
J1 Freestanding fire Fixed PIM fee 309.00
  Fixed building consent fee 721.00
J2 Inbuilt fire Fixed PIM fee 311.00
  Fixed building consent fee 988.00
Demolitions and Removal of Buildings
K1 Residential Fixed PIM fee 374.00
  Fixed building consent fee 693.00
K2 Commercial Fixed PIM fee 374.00
  Fixed building consent fee 952.00
L1 Carport, Pergola, Garden Shed Fixed PIM fee 374.00
  Fixed building consent fee 1,129.00
Proprietary Garages and Pole Sheds
L2 Standard garage Fixed PIM fee 374.00
  Fixed building consent fee 1,302.00
L3 Garage with plumbing and drainage Fixed PIM fee 374.00
  Fixed building consent fee 1,476.00
L4 Garage with fire wall and plumbing and drainage Fixed PIM fee 374.00
  Fixed building consent fee 1,722.00
M1 Temporary/Freestanding Fixed PIM fee 374.00
  Fixed building consent fee 782.00
M2 Other Fixed PIM fee 374.00
  Fixed building consent fee 871.00
N Conservatory placed on existing deck Fixed PIM fee 374.00
  Fixed building consent fee 1,094.00
N1 Conservatory placed on a new deck Fixed PIM fee 374.00
  Fixed building consent fee 1,302.00
Minor building work (under $20,444 inc gst in value)
S1 Grease trap installation Fixed PIM fee 311.00
  Fixed building consent fee 721.00
S2 Remove an interior wall Fixed PIM fee 311.00
  Fixed building consent fee 609.00
S3 Install external window/door Fixed PIM fee 311.00
  Fixed building consent fee 609.00
S4 Install storm water drain Fixed PIM fee 311.00
  Fixed building consent fee 721.00
S5 Install WC/shower Fixed PIM fee 311.00
  Fixed building consent fee 988.00
S6 Install hot water cylinder Fixed PIM fee 311.00
  Fixed building consent fee 718.00
S7 Install on-site effluent disposal field Fixed PIM fee 311.00
  Fixed building consent fee 934.00
S8 Marquee over 100 sq m Fixed PIM fee 212.00
  Fixed building consent fee 704.00
S9 Swimming Pool Fixed PIM fee 212.00
  Fixed building consent fee 1,095.00

Applications where a PIM and/or Building Consent lodgement fee applies (20 working days)

An application lodgement fee is payable at the time the applicant lodges the Project Information Memorandum (PIM) and/or Building Consent application with Council.

We will calculate the total fees including officer’s time, inspections, scanning, code compliance certificate, and any other charges applicable, less the prepaid lodgement fee when the processing of the consent is complete.

Full payment of fees is required prior to the issue of the Project Information Memorandum (PIM) and/or Building Consent.

Work Type Fee ($)
New residential dwelling (including sleepouts)
O1 0-$100,000 Lodgement PIM fee 330.00 408.00
  Lodgement building consent fee 715.00 883.00
O2 $100,001 - $200,000 Lodgement PIM fee 330.00 408.00
  Lodgement building consent fee 715.00 883.00
O3 Above $200,001 Lodgement PIM fee 330.00 408.00
  Lodgement building consent fee 846.00 1,045.00
Residential additions and alterations (including relocates)
P1 $0 - $5,000 Lodgement PIM fee 162.00 200.00
  Lodgement building consent fee 390.00 482.00
P2 $5,001 - $20,000 Lodgement PIM fee 162.00 200.00
  Lodgement building consent fee 481.00 594.00
P3 $20,001 - $100,000 Lodgement PIM fee 330.00 408.00
  Lodgement building consent fee 622.00 768.00
P4 $100,001 - $200,000 Lodgement PIM fee 330.00 408.00
  Lodgement building consent fee 715.00 883.00
P5 $200,001 - $500,000 Lodgement PIM fee 330.00 408.00
  Lodgement building consent fee 846.00 1,045.00
P6 $500,001 - $1,000,000 Lodgement PIM fee 330.00 408.00
  Lodgement building consent fee 1,105.00 1,365.00
P7 Above $1,000,001 Lodgement PIM fee 330.00 408.00
  Lodgement building consent fee 1,365.00 1,686.00
New commercial buildings
Q1 Under $100,000 Lodgement PIM fee 330.00 408.00
  Lodgement building consent fee 715.00 883.00
Q2 $100,001 - $200,000 Lodgement PIM fee 330.00 408.00
  Lodgement building consent fee 715.00 883.00
Q3 $200,001 - $500,000 Lodgement PIM fee 330.00 408.00
  Lodgement building consent fee 846.00 1,045.00
Q4 $500,001 - $1,000,000 Lodgement PIM fee 330.00 408.00
  Lodgement building consent fee 1,105.00 1,365.00
Q5 Above $1,000,001 Lodgement PIM fee 330.00 408.00
  Lodgement building consent fee 1,365.00 1,686.00
Commercial additions and alterations
R1 $0 - $5,000 Lodgement PIM fee 162.00 200.00
  Lodgement building consent fee 363.00 448.00
R2 $5,001 - $20,000 Lodgement PIM fee 162.00 200.00
  Lodgement building consent fee 481.00 594.00
R3 $20,001 - $100,000 Lodgement PIM fee 330.00 408.00
  Lodgement building consent fee 622.00 768.00
R4 $100,001 - $200,000 Lodgement PIM fee 330.00 408.00
  Lodgement building consent fee 715.00 883.00
R5 $200,001 - $500,000 Lodgement PIM fee 330.00 408.00
  Lodgement building consent fee 846.00 1,045.00
R6 $500,001 - $1,000,000 Lodgement PIM fee 330.00 408.00
  Lodgement building consent fee 1,105.00 1,365.00
R7 Above $1,000,001 Lodgement PIM fee 330.00 408.00
  Lodgement building consent fee 1,365.00 1,686.00

In addition to the charges prescribed by the Manawatu District Council, are levies imposed by the Building Research Association of New Zealand (BRANZ) and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). The BRANZ levy of $1.00 per $1,000 is applied to all building consents and Certificates of Acceptance that have building work valued at $20,444.00 (including GST) or more. The MBIE levy of $1.75 per $1,000 is applied to all building consents and Certificates of Acceptance that have building work valued at $65,000.00 (including GST) or more.

Example 1: work value = $30,000   BRANZ = $30.00   MIE = $0 (as work is below the $65,000.00 threshold)

Example 2: work value = $65,000     BRANZ =$65.00     MBIE = $113.75

Other Fees

These fees may be applicable to building consents or may be applied as a single charge.

Fee Description Fee ($)
Scanning and Digital Application Fees (for consent applications received in hard copy)
Fast Track 119.00 147.00
Residential 196.00 242.00
Commercial 239.00 295.00
Warrant of fitness and compliance schedules
New Compliance Schedule 141.00 174.00
Alteration to existing compliance schedule 84.00 104.00
Building Warrant of Fitness site audit/re-inspections 226.00 279.00
IQP Renewal (3 yearly) - submit applications to Palmerston North City Council.
Address: Private Bag 11034, Manawatu Mail Centre, Palmerston North 4442.
Phone: 06 356 8199.
Per charge set by PNCC Per charge set by PNCC
BWoF Administration Fee
Complete and on time 125.00 154.00
Incomplete and/or late 255.00 315.00
External BCA administration fee 130.00 161.00
Engineering checking
Structural engineering checking Actual cost Actual cost
Other fees
Code Compliance Certificate - Residential 159.00 196.00
Code Compliance Certificate - Commercial 286.00 353.00
Safe and Sanitary (building work prior to 1992) - Third Party Report Approval 275.00 340.00
Extension to building consent or code compliance certificate timeframes 97.00 120.00
Exempt building work under schedule 1 part 1(2) of the Building Act 2004 
Lodgement fee 100.00 100.00
Additional hours per officer Actual cost Actual cost
Notification to record exempt building work under Schedule 1 (excludes part 1(2) of the Building Act 2004) 117.00 144.00
Licensed building practitioner registration fee (per building consent) 64.00 79.00
Standard building inspection 219.00 270.00
Periodic swimming pools monitoring inspection 93.00 115.00
Certificate of Acceptance  
Deposit (non refundable)650.00650.00
Subsequent costs charged at actual cost on hourly rate per officer Actual cost Actual cost
Application for amendment to building consent Actual cost Actual cost
Certificate for Public Use  
Lodgement fee100.00100.00
Subsequent costs charged at actual cost on hourly rate per officer Actual cost Actual cost
Waiver and modifications Actual cost Actual cost
Certificate of Title 27.00 33.00
Copy of monthly report of building consents issued 86.00 106.00
Earthquake Prone Building Fees
Application for extension of time to provide engineering assessment 286.00 353.00
Application for extension of time to complete seismic work - Heritage buildings 286.00 353.00
Application for exemption from requirement to carry out seismic work 363.00 448.00
Charges for Council Staff
Council will charge the following hourly rates for its officers for the processing of consents that do not have a set fee.
Administration Officer 130.00 161.00
Building Officer 197.00 243.00
Team Leader Building Services MDC, Senior Building Officer and Advanced Building Officer 217.00 268.00
Regulatory Services Manager 273.00 336.00
Note: Where the fee per hour is stated, please note this should be read in full as “fee per hour or part thereof”.

Fees determined by Building (Infringement Offences, Fees, and Forms) Regulations 2007

Offence specified as infringement offence General description of offence Fee ($)
General building offences
Section 40 Failing to comply with the requirement that building work must be carried out in accordance with a building consent 1,000.00 1,000.00
Section 42 Failing to apply for a certificate of acceptance for urgent building work as soon as practicable after completion of building work 500.00 500.00
Section 85(1) Person who is not licensed building practitioner carrying out restricted building work without supervision of licensed building practitioner with appropriate licence 750.00 750.00
Section 85(2)(a) Licensed building practitioner carrying out restricted building work without appropriate licence 500.00 500.00
Section 85(2)(b) Licensed building practitioner supervising restricted building work without appropriate licence 500.00 500.00
Section 101 Failing to comply with the requirement to obtain a compliance schedule 250.00 250.00
Section 108(5)(aa) Failing to supply territorial authority with a building warrant of fitness 250.00 250.00
Section 108(5)(a) Failing to display a building warrant of fitness required to be displayed 250.00 250.00
Section 108(5)(b) Displaying a false or misleading building warrant of fitness 1,000.00 1,000.00
Section 108(5)(c) Displaying a building warrant of fitness other than in accordance with section 108 1,000.00 1,000.00
Section 116(1)(a) Using, or knowingly permitting the use of, a building for a use for which it is not safe or not sanitary 1,500.00 1,500.00
Section 116(1)(b) Using, or knowingly permitting the use of, a building that has inadequate means of escape from fire 2,000.00 2,000.00
Section 124 Failing to comply with a notice, within the time out stated on the notice, requiring work to be carried out on a dangerous, earthquake-prone, or insanitary building 1,000.00 1,000.00
Section 128A(2) Using or occupying a building, or permitting another person to do so, contrary to a territorial authority’s hoarding, fence, or notice 2,000.00 2,000.00
Section 162 E Supplying a pool product without an approved notice 500.00 500.00
Section 168(1AA) Failing to comply with a notice to fix in relation to a means of restricting access to a residential pool 500.00 500.00
Section 168(1) Failing to comply with any other notice to fix 1,000.00 1,000.00
Section 314(1) Person holding himself or herself out as being licensed to do or supervise building work or building inspection work while not being so licenced 500.00 500.00
Section 362D(4) Failing to provide prescribed disclosure information 500.00 500.00
  Failing to provide prescribed checklist 500.00 500.00
Section 362F(4) Failing to have a written contract as prescribed 500.00 500.00
Section 362T(4) Failing to provide prescribed information or documentation to specified persons 500.00 500.00
Section 363 Using, or permitting use of building having no consent or code compliance certificate, or certificate for public use for premises for public use 1,500.00 1,500.00
Section 367 Wilfully obstructing, hindering, or resisting a person executing powers conferred under the Act or its regulations 500.00 500.00
Section 368 Wilfully removing or defacing a notice published under the Act or inciting another person to do so 500.00 500.00
Earthquake Prone Building (EQB) Offences
Section 133AU(1) Failing to complete seismic work by deadline 1,000.00 1,000.00
Section 133AU(2) Failing to comply to attach EPB notice or EPB exemption notice 1,000.00 1,000.00
Section 133AU(3) Failing, when EPB notice or EPB exemption notice ceases to be attached or becomes illegible, to notify the territorial authority 1,000.00 1,000.00
Section 133AU(5) Using or occupying a building, or permitting another person to do so, contrary to a territorial authority’s hoarding, fence, or notice 2,000.002,000.00
Short notice cancelled inspectionMay be applied when a customer cancels an inspection less than 48 hours before it is scheduled to take place