Cemetery Fees

Council provides pleasant, attractive cemeteries of which the community can be proud.

Administering cemeteries involves ensuring interments are carried out to an acceptable standard and that cemetery grounds are maintained and enhanced.

Fee Description Fee ($)
Plot fees
Adult 1,752.00
Child under 13 903.00
Lawn Ashes 931.00
Memoriam Ashes Garden Plots (Feilding only, subsection 8) 733.00
RSA Burial or RSA Ashes Plot Free
Ashes Niche Wall (space for two standard urns, purchase at the time of interment only) 700.00
Interment fees
Adult 1,314.00
Child under 13 712.00
Still Born 255.00
Ashes 312.00
Ashes Niche Wall (interment fee included in the Niche fee) Free
Other cemetery fees
Double depth (more than one burial)329.00
Extra width329.00
Breaking concrete Actual cost
Lowering device - on request (Feilding Cemetery only) Actual cost
Remembrance garden (plaque only - Feilding, subsection 6) 125.00
After Hours
After hours extra fees will apply to interments that begin after 1.00pm Saturday and 4.00pm weekdays.
Sundays and Public Holidays
Applies to all interments on Sundays and Public Holidays with the exemption of Easter Sunday, Anzac Day, Christmas, Boxing and New Year’s Day, when no interments are permitted.
Out-of-district fee per plot (additional to standard fee)
Applies to all interments where the deceased was not living in the District or was not a ratepayer at the time of death.
Disinterment Actual cost
Monumental permit
A monumental permit is required for all work to a headstone, including repairs and new headstones and plaques including ashes garden plaques within the cemetery.
District-wide reservations (maximum of two adjoining plots at the time of interment) 1,000.00
Plot cancellation (reserved plots) 273.00
Manual records search fee - per entry Actual cost