Operative District Plan - National Planning Standards
We have a user guide to help plan users understand the new layout. The diagram shows how the different parts of the District Plan have been reorganised into the new National Planning Standards format. Click the sample image below to view the full interactive version:
- HH - Historic Heritage (PDF File, 303.1 KB)
- HH-APP1 - Wetlands, Lakes, Rivers (PDF File, 179.1 KB)
- HH-APP2 - Significant Areas of Indigenous Forest Vegetation (PDF File, 190.3 KB)
- HH-APP3 - Criteria for Assessing Significance of Natural Areas (PDF File, 149.0 KB)
- HH-APP4 - Clearance of Indigenous Vegetation (PDF File, 142.0 KB)
- HH-SCHED1 - Feilding Town Centre (PDF File, 184.3 KB)
- HH-SCHED2 - Wider Manawatu District (PDF File, 600.3 KB)
- HH-SCHED3 - Marae Buildings (PDF File, 126.2 KB)
- HH-SCHED4 - Sites with Heritage Value - Archaeological Sites and Cemeteries (PDF File, 220.2 KB)
- TREE - Notable Trees (PDF File, 190.7 KB)
- TREE-SCHED1 - Notable Trees Schedule (PDF File, 171.6 KB)
- ASW - Activities on the Surface of Water (PDF File, 166.6 KB)
- CE - Coastal Environment (PDF File, 181.4 KB)
- ER - Esplanade Reserves (PDF File, 337.3 KB)
- EW - Earthworks (PDF File, 262.0 KB)
- FIN - Financial Contributions (PDF File, 267.2 KB)
- KEN - Boarding, Breeding and Training Kennels (PDF File, 240.6 KB)
- NOISE - Noise (PDF File, 729.9 KB)
- REL - Relocated Buildings (PDF File, 410.2 KB)
- SIGN - Signs (PDF File, 201.5 KB)
- TEMP - Temporary Activities (PDF File, 175.6 KB)