CouncilMARK Assessment

CouncilMARK™ is an independent assessment programme that provides a snapshot into how councils are performing in the key areas of governance, financial decision-making, service delivery & asset management, and community engagement.

The assessment helps Councils identify where they are doing well, where there is room for improvement, and tracks progress to lift performance over time.

The report shows that Manawatū District Council is performing particularly well in service delivery and asset management with a good understanding of the levels of service required around key areas such as three waters, roading and recreational spaces.

Investment into a new wastewater treatment plant and an associated wastewater centralisation programme highlights the council’s strong record of prudent yet innovative investment.

While the report indicates that there are some areas that should be addressed to better align vision, strategy and operational plans, the council is on the right track.

The assessment for this report was completed in April 2019.