The Policy Objectives

The Gambling Venues Policy gives Council the ability to limit the number of gaming machines and New Zealand Racing Board venues in the District. The policy must be reviewed every three years.

The Gambling Venue Policy has the following objectives:

  1. To provide the Manawatū District Council and the community with influence over the location and operation of Class 4 gambling venues and TAB venues within the Manawatū District.
  2. To provide opportunities for people to participate in machine gambling and betting on galloping, harness and greyhound races and other sporting events within the Manawatū District.
  3. To ensure that the local community may continue to access funding from the proceeds of Class 4 gaming in the District.
  4. To have regard to the social impact of gambling within the Manawatū District, including the cumulative effects of additional opportunities for gambling.
  5. To minimise harm from gambling, including problem gambling.

The full policy can be read under key documents to the right.

Options Considered:

  • Option One

    Retaining the status quo – a cap at 90 gaming machines

  • Option Two

    Increase the current cap.

  • Option Three

    Change to a sinking lid policy.

Council's Preferred Option

Council's preferred option for the draft Policy is Option 1, being the status quo, for the following reasons:

  1. Existing societies operating gaming machines are able to operate as they do currently.
  2. As there is no increase to the total number of gaming machines operating in the District, there is not expected to be any increase in adverse social impacts, including for problem gamblers.
  3. Gambling venues provide entertainment and contribute to the vibrancy of town centres.
  4. No change to the amount of grant funding available to those charities, community groups and sporting groups that rely on this funding.

Manawatū District Council Gambling Venues Policy Feedback Form


Please provide your feedback by 4pm 23rd September 2024

Is your feedback on behalf of an organisation? (If yes, this confirms you have the authority to submit on the organisations’ behalf)
I would like to speak to Council in person about my feedback
If you would like to present in NZ Sign Language, please let us know so that we can make translation arrangements with you.
You may request that your name and contact details be withheld from general publication by ticking this box. Please note that if you wish to speak to your submission at the Hearing your name (but not your contact details) will be published within the Council Agenda.
Which of the three options do you support? Required The effects of each option are outlined in the table in Attachment 2.
Any other comments related to this draft Policy?