Draft 10 Year Plan 2021-2031

Community Input to the 10 Year Plan

From 12 April to 12 May 2021, Council invited community feedback through this page or through documents displayed at Council facilities. We asked for feedback on two key issues, as well as inviting the community to raise any other issues of interest.

A total of 128 submissions were received during the feedback period. Hearings were held on the 18th and 19th of May 2021, during which 45 submitters spoke to Council about their submission.


1. Council assistance for strengthening earthquake-prone buildings in the Feilding CBD

Overall, 81 submitters expressed an opinion on one or more of the five options set out in the consultation document.

36 submitters preferred that Council continue to provide non-financial support for priority building owners by liaising with experts and external agencies to explore funding and technical support options.

Some of these submitters also indicated a preferred second option (for support) should Council proceed with some form of financial support.

51 submitters expressed support for some form of financial assistance from Council to building owners. 22 of these supported Council’s preferred option of providing a discount on consenting fees for owners of earthquake prone buildings who choose to strengthen their building.

2. The availability of funding for community events and initiatives

89 submitters expressed their opinion on whether or not to increase the district development budget to enable Council to provide funding support for community events and initiatives in year 1 of the plan.

61 submitters were in support of increasing the District Development budget.

28 were in support of maintaining the revised budget.


On 31 May 2021 Council held deliberations on the public feedback on the two consultation issues and all of the other issues raised by submitters.

The decisions made at deliberations and have been incorporated into this plan are as follows:

Consultation Issues

Council assistance for strengthening earthquake-prone buildings in the Feilding CBD

Council will allocate an annual budget of $75,000, plus inflation, for year 1-3 of the plan (2021–24) to discount consenting fees for owners of earthquake-prone buildings in the following ways:

  • Building consent fee discount of $2,500 per consent for all earthquake-prone buildings in the Feilding CBD
  • Resource consent fee discount for $2,500 per consent for earthquake-prone heritage buildings in the Feilding CBD

The availability of funding for community events and initiatives

Council agreed to increase the District Development budget by $147,000 for year 1 of the Plan in order to support events and other community initiatives. The wider District Development budget will be reviewed for year 2 onwards.

Community Requests

County Fayre - Request for an accessibility ramp and deck for Pōhangina Library

Council approved the budget for this project for year 1

Awahuri Forest - Kitchener Park Trust - Request for an increase to annual operating grant

Council approved an increase in the existing annual operating grant of $20,000 for 2021–24 (a total of $60,000)

Halcombe Community Development Group (HDCG) – Request to reroof and repaint the exterior of the Halcombe Hall and repaint the exterior of the HCDG Playcentre

Council approved the budget for the painting in year 1 and the reroofing in year 2.

Lucy Carrodus – Halcombe Hill/Mount Taylor footpath

Council agreed to include the construction of a formed route from the end of the existing path on Halcombe Road into Mt Taylor Drive in year 4 (2024/25). This is subject to the project receiving a Waka Kotahi subsidy which won’t be assessed until the 2024 Waka Kotahi funding cycle.

Hiwinui Community Committee – Request for walkway extension

Council agreed to include the construction of a footpath from the school south to the edge of the current subdivisional activity (approximately 500m) for year 6 (2026/27). This is subject to the project receiving a Waka Kotahi subsidy which won’t be assessed until the 2024 Waka Kotahi funding cycle.

Stanway Halcombe Rural Water Scheme - Electricity cost increase

Council approved the increase in budget for Stanway-Halcombe Rural Water Scheme electricity costs.

Council Activities

Growth Projects

  • Stormwater Detention Area Land Purchase and Development of Attenuation Ponds (Precinct 4)
    • The purchase of land and development of attenuation ponds in Precinct 4 is necessary to ensure that stormwater from new residential development is appropriately detained and does not contribute to flooding downstream.
  • Roading developments (Precincts 4 and 5)
    • A reinstatement of a portion of the roading growth budget (previously reallocated) for a road corridor extension in Precinct 4.
    • The acquisition of a link strip of land off Turners Road to allow connectivity for the future development of Precinct 5.

Council approved the budget for these three growth-related proposals.

Wastewater Centralisation & Feilding Water Treatment Plant renewal carry forwards from 2018/19

In 2018/19 there was a large underspend in Feilding Wastewater Treatment Plant asset renewals ($2.9M). Council agreed to carry over part to 2019/20 ($1M), part to 2020/21 ($1M), and part to 2021/22 ($954k). The 2021/22 portion had not been included in the draft 10 Year Plan budget. Council approved its inclusion in the final budget. There was also an underspend in 2018/19 in the Wastewater Centralisation budget of $1.5M due to delays with the consenting process, this was agreed to carry forward to 2021/22.

Council approved the carry forward into 2021/22.

Document Management System Sharepoint Upgrade

Council approved the upgrade to Council’s document management system.

For details on decisions made relating to each submission, read the list of submissions including management recommendations (56MB pdf), deliberations minutes (500KB pdf) , and adoption report (2.4MB pdf) and minutes (245KB pdf).

Click the link below to see the information Council published during the consultation period (12 April to 12 May 2021)