Feilding Town Centre Refresh 2021

Thank you for your interest

The Manawatū District Council collected feedback on the Feilding Town Centre Refresh until 26 February 2021. The consultation period has now closed.

Please read below to see the information provided during the consultation period.

Remember when we asked you what you'd like the Feilding Town Centre to be like?

The Feilding Town Centre is facing some of its biggest challenges ever. The earthquake prone building legislation has the potential to impact significantly on the future look of the town, and the uses carried out within. In addition, our community should expect changes in the town centre resulting from how we live and expect to live in the future. These issues were the catalyst for actively looking at what we should be planning for in the future, and that is why Council recently asked you to tell us what you would like to see in Feilding Town Centre in 2040.

We received: Over 300 Facebook comments, 3129 Post-It notes, 9 online submissions and 899 workshop feedback points! All of this feedback was processed and used to form the Feilding Town Centre Vision (PDF file, 610.4 KB).

What's happening now?

The Feilding Town Centre Concept Plan

The Council is now building on the Town Centre Vision with a Town Centre Concept Plan. Ultimately, this project is about reshaping the town centre in a way that draws on its unique history, heritage and community.

This work will set a framework for future investment in physical, social and economic resilience for the next 20 years and beyond.

Click on the images below to find out more about each of the six concepts: