Public Places Bylaw Review 2021

Thank you for your interest

The Manawatū District Council collected submissions on the Public Places Bylaw Review between 5 November and 5 December 2021. The consultation period has now closed.

A hearing will be held for those submitters who wish to speak on 17 February 2022. The amended bylaw is scheduled for adoption in March 2022.

The reviews of the Traffic Safety and Road Use Bylaw, Explanatory Bylaw, and the Drainage and Trade Wastes Bylaws are starting soon and we will be seeking your feedback on these throughout 2022.

Please read below to see the information provided during the consultation period.

What is a Bylaw?

Bylaws are rules made by Council under the Local Government Act 2002 (the “Act”). They are created for the purpose of:

  • Protecting the public from nuisance;
  • Protecting, promoting, and maintaining public health and safety; and
  • Minimising the potential for offensive behaviour in public places.

Bylaws are also made to regulate activities such as solid waste and to manage, regulate and protect Council infrastructure from damage, misuse or loss, including the public water supply network and cemeteries.

Public Places Bylaw 2021 Amendments - Street Users and Alcohol Control

Council is proposing an extension to the Feilding CBD alcohol control area and new alcohol control areas at Kowhai Park, Timona Park and Highfield Hill lookout. Council is also suggesting that the alcohol ban in the Feilding CBD apply 24/7 and that the new alcohol bans apply overnight.

Council is proposing to make changes to the permit requirements for hawkers and those operating mobile shops or street stalls. Those wanting to operate within the Feilding CBD will be restricted to two locations – Denbigh Square and the Aorangi Street carpark. Up to two permits will be issued on a first-come-first-served basis in each location at any one time, for a maximum of two weeks (unless otherwise agreed with Council). Exceptions apply to those operating in association with an approved event.

All the information on proposed changes is detailed in the statement of proposal document and in the summary document (links below).

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