Draft Trade Waste Bylaw 2022

Thank you for your interest

The Manawatū District Council collected feedback on the draft Trade Waste Bylaw until 13 June 2022. The consultation period has now closed.

Please read below to see the information provided during the consultation period.

The Manawatū District Council (“Council”) seeks feedback on the draft Trade Waste Bylaw 2022. Your feedback will help inform the final version of the bylaw that will replace the current Trade Wastes Bylaw 2015.

Trade waste is liquid waste (excluding domestic wastewater), with or without solids in suspension, that is or may be discharged from a trade premises. Trade waste includes wastewater that contains contaminants, including solids, fat, oil, grease, solvents, emulsions and chemicals resulting from industrial or trade processes.

The Trade Waste Bylaw applies to all premises in the District where trade wastes are discharged or likely to be discharged into the public wastewater network. This bylaw also applies to tankered waste collected for the purpose of discharge into the public wastewater network.


The purpose of the draft Trade Waste Bylaw 2022 is to:

  1. Protect the health and safety of all people from potential adverse effects of harmful substances discharged to the public wastewater network;
  2. Protect the environment (including water quality) from adverse effects of harmful substances discharged to the public wastewater network;
  3. Manage, regulate against and protect the public wastewater network from damage, misuse or loss and provide for its efficient operation;
  4. Prevent unauthorised use of the land, structures or infrastructure associated with the public wastewater network;
  5. Ensure compliance with resource permit (discharge) conditions;
  6. Provide an equitable basis for charging trade waste users of the public wastewater network; and
  7. Encourage waste minimisation, cleaner production, efficient recycling and reuse of waste streams at trade premises.

The draft Trade Waste Bylaw 2022 aims to achieve its purpose through:

  • classifying trade wastes according to their physical and chemical characteristics and setting out a permit regime for the management of trade waste discharges into the public wastewater network;
  • controlling the storage, transportation and handling of hazardous substance that may enter the public wastewater network;
  • requiring pre-treatment of trade waste from trade premises, food premises and dentists’ premises;
  • miscellaneous controls, including metering for trade waste discharges, sampling and monitoring of trade wastes and enforcement measures.

Key Changes

The main differences between the current bylaw and the draft Trade Waste Bylaw 2022 are as follows:

  1. Introduction of a fourth category of trade waste – “Controlled” so that Council can separately identify those trade waste dischargers who are discharging relatively simple wastes, but in significantly high volumes.
  2. Clarifying pre-treatment requirements for trade premises, food premises and dentists’ premises.
  3. Clarifying roles and responsibilities around the maintenance of any pre-treatment devices.
  4. Changes to terminology and other minor changes to align the draft bylaw better with relevant legislation and other Council documents such as the Engineering Standards for Land Development.