Draft Waste Management & Minimisation Plan 2022

Thank you for your interest

The Manawatū District Council collected feedback on the draft Waste Management & Minimisation Plan until 9 May 2022. The consultation period has now closed.

Please read below to see the information provided during the consultation period.

What's This About?

Manawatū District Council is making a plan to manage and minimise waste.

First, we needed to decide what we want to achieve for waste management and minimisation in the Manawatū District:

Council's vision is to be a community leader who aims to enable a circular economy for all waste streams

Goal 1

Council works in partnership with the community to plan, implement and fund initiatives that promote a circular economy for waste.

A circular economy is a set of principles promoting economic activity that restores and regenerates natural systems.

Goal 2

Council practices kaitiakitanga by prioritising the health of people and the environment through waste management in a way that is affordable to the community.

Kaitiakitanga means guardianship and protection of the environment.

What’s the Waste Situation?

We then researched the waste situation in the Manawatū district and discovered some key themes:

  • Organic waste (food and green waste) is the largest contributor to waste streams in both the urban and rural areas of the district
  • High quantities of recyclable material like plastic and paper are within the district's waste stream
  • Council needs measures in place to help mitigate the effects of government 'priority products'
  • Fly tipping is an ongoing issue in the Manawatū District
  • Climate Change is becoming an increasingly important issue, and this is being reflected in Central Government and global policy
  • Engagement and communication between Council and the community can bring further improvements in waste issues through understanding, awareness, and changed behaviours.

What Is Being Proposed?

Council is now asking for feedback from the community on the options available to address the key issues that have been identified through the waste assessment.

Check out the key documents below:

The Waste Situation

Read the full 2022 Waste Assessment for the District's current waste outputs, services and infrastructure.

Download (PDF file, 11.4 MB)

What's the Plan?

The draft WMMP 2022 outlines Council's plan for managing and minimising waste in the Manawatū District.

Download (PDF file, 3.5 MB)

Short on Time?

The Statement of Proposal gives a summary of what is being proposed, and how to share your feedback.

Download (PDF file, 2.5 MB)