
What’s the problem?

Parking in urban, or town centres is often an issue that gets people talking. We’ve received feedback in the past that there isn’t enough town centre parking in Feilding, and that the spaces are too small for modern-sized vehicles.

We’re also aware that the stopping and/or parking of Heavy, Goods Service Vehicles and Stock vehicles in urban streets can cause hazards for road users and pedestrians, and damage to road berms.

What have we considered?

We’ve done some research into our urban parking provisions and found that generally, Feilding has a good stock of parking spaces, and that residents don’t want to see the introduction of parking enforcements such as paid parking, or parking wardens.

We will continue to talk to residents about parking and associated issues as part of our longer term planning but in the meantime we’re proposing to include the following measures in the new bylaw:

  1. The ability to designate parking spaces – either class restricted e.g. mobility parking; or time limited e.g. 30 minute parking. This will help increase the turnover of spaces during times of peak demand and ensure the availability of parks for those that need them
  2. The ability to enforce the correct usage of these designated parking spaces through the removal of any vehicle contravening the rule, and/or penalties for multiple offences
  3. Prohibiting the parking on any grass verges or footpaths to minimise damage to grass and berms