Manawatū District Council adopts the Annual Plan 2022/23

At its Council meeting on Thursday, 21 April, Manawatū District Council voted to adopt the Annual Plan for 2022/23. The adoption of the plan will see a number of significant projects progress to the next stage.

Some of these projects include the Feilding Public Library Redevelopment, development of a new park on Roots Street, more upgrade work to Kōwhai Park, the Manawatū Wastewater Centralisation and a new Feilding water supply.

The amount of rates from existing rateable properties needed to maintain the current levels of service, and progress the works programme in the Annual Plan, is 6.99% more than it was in 2021/22. In addition there are rates from new “growth” rating units. Much of the increase relates to allowing for the depreciation of assets and insurance.

“Unfortunately Council, along with everyone else, is not immune to cost pressures such as inflation and rising fuel prices,” says Mayor Helen Worboys.

While the level of increase will put pressure on ratepayers’ budgets, Council is pleased that the increase is less than that of many other councils. Managed growth will help spread the rating burden in the longer term.

“It’s important that we make a start on these projects so that we can capitalise on the $8 billion that is being invested into the wider region, such as the Te Ahu a Turanga (Manawatū Tararua) Highway, Base Ōhakea expansion and the Central NZ Distribution Hub”.

One of the bigger projects that will be undertaken as part of the plan is the development of the industrial area of Feilding located between the Ōroua River and Kawakawa Road, including Turners Road.

“We will be extending Turners Road through to Kawakawa Road, this will allow further development of commercial and industrial land, opening it up to new businesses to come and operate in the Manawatū district. This will not only contribute to our economic growth, but also provide new jobs for people in our community,” adds Mayor Helen.

The Council has decided to undertake a review of the current rating system, which has been in place since 1989 when Manawatū District Council was formed.

“We want to ensure that whatever system we have in place for collecting rates is fair, transparent, understandable, and sustainable for residents, farmers and businesses, bearing in mind that there is no perfect rating system. The feedback that we’re getting suggests that this is an area we need to look at. It’s not going to be a quick process, but we’ll start the work now,” says Mayor Helen.

People on lower incomes may be entitled to rates rebates to help bring down the cost of rates across the year. They are encouraged to contact Council for more information or visit our website.

MDC also offers a Direct Debit service and ratepayers can choose weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly or annual payments, whichever is the most suitable to them. There is no additional cost for this service.

The Annual Plan will take effect in the new financial year on 1 July. To view the plan, please click here.