Echo Place and Turoa Street in Feilding officially opened

Two new streets in Feilding have been officially opened as part of Council’s role in enabling residential growth in the north of the town.

Located off Churcher Street, Echo Place and Turoa Street are the first roads to be built as part of the new residential growth development in Precinct 4 , through the provision of roading and services. This new development was previously designated as rural.

The new roads were named after Turoa and Echo Haronga, who were the prominent landowners that Council obtained the land from for this development. Turoa Street will become part of the Poppy Places project, which recognises former New Zealand Defence Force personnel. Turoa served in the Korean War and in his later years was a social worker.

Turoa and Echo Haronga have lived on Churcher Street since 1979. They raised their 8 children, 23 grandchildren and a growing number of great grandchildren. As well as looking after whānau and many other people at Churcher Street, they have supported many local schools, sports teams, events and community groups.

Their connection to Ngāti Kauwhata has endured over the years and their support for local marae and Kaupapa Māori has always been welcomed.

Tai Haronga, along with Mayor Helen Worboys and Ngāti Kauwhata officially opened the streets with a karakia and ribbon cutting. A ceremonial turning of the sod by Mayor Helen and Reihana Haronga marked the next stage in the development, which will start this September.

“The roads contain water, internet, power and gas services. The installation of these services makes the area an attractive and appealing location for development in the district. This in turn will have positive economic benefits for Feilding and beyond,” says Mayor Helen.

“The Precinct 4 area of Feilding has the potential for the construction of 1700 new homes, and Council are continuing their work with a number of developers to encourage more housing. A focus on Precinct 4 has been underway for over a decade as part of the Urban Growth Framework Plan,” Mayor Helen adds.

Council acknowledges the connection between this land and local iwi Ngāti Kauwhata as mana whenua. Part of rezoning of the area was the preparation of a Cultural Impact Assessment Report which informed Council and the community on key impacts of development of the area on cultural values. Council remains informed by this assessment as work continues in Precinct 4.

As well as housing, 25 hectares of land in the area will be utilised for open spaces, parks and stormwater detention ponds, with exciting opportunities for partnership between Council, Iwi, developers and the community.