Get excited about your future!

We are excited to announce a fantastic opportunity for students on the brink of graduation and job seekers seeking new horizons. The Mayor's Taskforce for Jobs Roadshow is coming to Feilding's CBD on September 7th from 9am - 2.30pm.

This roadshow is not just an event; it's an experience designed to empower our rangatahi to take the next step confidently in their careers. With a remarkable coach housing 26 interactive career kiosks, attendees can explore hundreds of career and training videos.

This is a fantastic opportunity for students who are about to leave school and jobseekers in search of a fulfilling career path.

Key Highlights:

  • Interactive Career Kiosks: Engage with cutting-edge technology that presents a wide array of career options through immersive videos.
  • Success Stories: Join us in celebrating the success stories of local youth who have found incredible job placements through the Mayor's Taskforce for Jobs initiative.
  • Free BBQ: To make the day even more special, there will be a free BBQ for all participating youth.

The Mayor's Taskforce for Jobs has been making waves since its inception last November, with several rangatahi and jobseekers already placed in exciting job roles.  It works to empower our youth, inspire them to explore new horizons, and pave the way for a brighter future.