Waste Not Want Not Now Open

Manawatū District Council is looking for projects, initiatives, or programmes which demonstrate promotion or achievement of waste minimisation.  Whether your idea is big or small, it could be eligible for funding through the Waste Not Want Not fund.

While reuse, recycle and recover is an important part of living a cleaner, greener lifestyle, there are a number of initiatives throughout the Manawatū that help to minimise the amount of items that end up in landfill every year.  Some of these initiatives are individually driven, others at large scale business levels and yet, all of us at some point or another has likely thought, ‘I’ll hang on to that, I might need it one day’ doing our part to minimise waste.

Manawatū District Council is looking for projects, initiatives, or programmes which demonstrate promotion or achievement of waste minimisation.  Whether your idea is big or small, it could be eligible for funding through the Waste Not Want Not fund.

The Waste Not Want Not fund is a Council managed fund of money that is offered as part of the Waste Levy fees.  These fees are paid by waste disposal operators to the Ministry for the Environment, which is then allocated to local bodies like MDC to administer.

With three different categories for the fund, the scope for the funding is broad.  Whether you are a teacher looking to implement a programme into your classroom or school, a community group, an environmentalist, or an individual with a passion for waste minimisation, MDC encourages you to apply.

While all applications are welcomed, MDC would love to see more in the Construction and Demolition waste space.  Are you a business owner or perhaps tradie with a great idea on how waste from daily job sites could be minimised? Tell us about it and bring your idea to life.

The three application categories are:

Community Waste Levy Grants Allocation Policy 

  • To support practical waste minimisation projects, initiatives or programmes that encourage community participation and education and/or are of benefit to the community of the Manawatū District.


  • To provide seed funding to encourage innovation and partnership by individuals, community groups and organisations in the creation of opportunities for waste minimisation and economic development.

Business Waste Reduction 

  • To encourage businesses within the Manawatū District to implement measures that will lead to long term and measurable minimisation of the waste resulting from the businesses’ operations.
  • Applications within the Business Waste Reduction category can be made for up to 50% of total project costs.

To apply: Complete the online application at Waste Not Want Not Fund | Manawatū District Council (mdc.govt.nz)

The application period is from 10 June – 8 July.