Have Your Say: Freedom Camping Bylaw Consultation Open
Freedom camping is part of the Kiwi experience, but it needs to be done in a way that protects our environment and respects our communities which is why Manawatū District Council is asking residents to make a submission on the Freedom Camping Bylaw review.
Residents are invited to have their say on proposed changes to the Freedom Camping Bylaw, including updates to designated locations and new rules aimed at balancing the needs of freedom campers, local communities, and the environment.
The consultation is open, and Manawatū District Council is asking for feedback to ensure the revised bylaw reflects what the community wants and needs. Residents are encouraged to review the proposed changes and tell us if we’ve got it right.
Last year MDC was required to consult on national level changes to freedom camping and self-contained vehicle certification standards. Taking on the feedback received, the bylaw has been rewritten to make sure our freedom camping areas still meet the needs of residents and visitors to the district along with adding two new locations; Mt Lees and Old School Reserve, Pohangina.
This is your chance to help shape how and where freedom camping is prohibited. Whether you’re a local resident, a camper, or a business owner, your feedback is essential to make sure the bylaw works for everyone.
Consultation closes Friday 28 March.