
  • Being a Considerate Resident

    Living close to other District residents sometimes requires a bit of give and take. But what can you reasonably expect of each other?
  • Citizenship

    Citizenship ceremonies are held by the Manawatu District Council on behalf of the Department of Internal Affairs to welcome new citizens to New Zealand and confirm their citizenship.
  • Community Honours

    The Manawatu District Council has an award scheme to recognise the significant voluntary contributions made to the community by individual citizens.
  • Community Housing

    Community housing is looked after by the Manawatū Community Trust.
  • Drones / Unmanned Vehicles

    Property owner consent is required to fly drones/UAVs/Model aircraft over land that is owned, managed or leased by Council. This Policy outlines the approach Manawatu District Council is taking to property owner consent.
  • LIMs & Property Files

    LIM reports and property information provide valuable information about the properties within our district.
  • Makino Aquatic Centre

    Visit the MAC website to find out all you need to know about the aquatic centres programmes, events and more.
  • Manawatū District Libraries

    Visit the library website to find out all you need to know about the libraries programmes, events and more.
  • Parks & Public Spaces

    The Manawatu has plenty of parks and open spaces for individuals and families to enjoy.
  • Rates

    Council provides local public services and infrastructure that the community needs to survive and prosper. Providing these services comes at a cost and a large portion is collected from the rates that Council charges property owners.
  • Recreation Complexes & Halls

    Take a look at the recreation complexes and halls available for hire in the Manawatū District.
  • Thinking Of Building?

    Steps to think about if you are looking at building.
  • Thinking Of Starting A Business?

    Starting your own business is a dream for many Kiwis - in fact we’re a country of small businesses, with a whopping 87% of businesses in New Zealand employing fewer than five employees.