Rates Rebates

The Rates Rebates Scheme provides assistance for those on lower incomes who were paying rates for the home in which they were living on 1 July 2023. Applications for rebates close on 30 June for each financial year.

Eligibility and benefits

People who are eligible for a rates rebate will pay less in rates to the Council. If you would like to find out if you are eligible, use the rates rebate calculator.

How to apply

Application details are available on the NZ Government webpage. You can access a Rates Rebate Application Form (390KB pdf) or hard copy forms will be available at the Council office from August.

What do I need to provide?

When applying for a rates rebate, you must provide the following:

  • Accurate information about your income (and that of any spouse/partner or joint homeowner who lives with you) for the tax year
  • Your rates notice

Please wait until you get your first annual rates invoice before applying for a rebate.

Find out more

For more information on rates rebates, visit the NZ Government Rates Rebate Scheme webpage or call our customer services team on 06 323 0000.