Rates Remission

Remission of rates involves reducing the amount owing or waiving collection of rates altogether. Postponement of rates means that the payment of rates is not waived in the first instance but delayed for a certain time, or until certain events occur.

See our Remission Forms.

Council's Rates Remission and Postponement Policy (PDF file, 270.4 KB) defines the following:

Properties farmed as one

This policy is to provide relief from ‘district wide uniform rates’ for non-contiguous rating units that are farmed as a single farming operation.

Additional dwellings that are unoccupied

This policy is to provide relief from ‘district wide uniform rates’ applicable to an additional unoccupied dwelling on a rating unit.


This policy is to provide relief from the penalty incurred for non-payment of rates.

Council is to act fairly and reasonably in its consideration to provide this relief due to circumstances outside the ratepayer’s control.

Application must be made in writing to Manawatu District Council or email rates@mdc.govt.nz

Serviceable wastewater / water targeted rate (half charge)

This policy is to provide relief from the serviceable wastewater targeted rate (half charge) and/or the serviceable water targeted rate (half charge) charged for rating units that had an existing on-site wastewater disposal and/or water supply system prior to Council extending their reticulation system to the property.

School sewerage charges

To recognise that schools may be disproportionately disadvantaged by Council’s present “pan charge system” and to ensure schools are fairly charged for sewerage services based on their staff and student numbers rather than number of connections.

Utilities owned by not-for-profit organisations

To provide rates relief for utilities in differential category 6 that are owned by not-for-profit organisations or local authorities.

Charitable organisations

The purpose of granting rates support is to reduce the rating obligations on those charitable organisations that benefit the community. Click here for more information, including application forms.

Small dwellings

This policy is to provide relief from ‘district wide uniform rates’ for ratepayers in respect of rating units that have two or more separately used and inhabited parts, where one or more dwellings are considered to be small.

Water by meter rates in the event of a water leak

To provide relief from excess water by meter charges resulting from a water leak on a property.

Land affected by natural calamity

To assist ratepayers experiencing financial hardship due to a natural calamity

Queen Elizabeth II National Trust Open Spaces Covenants

To provide rates relief where land is legally protected under a Queen Elizabeth II (QE II) Open Space Covenant.

Miscellaneous circumstances

Council recognises that not all situations in which the Council may wish to remit rates will be provided for in Council’s specific policies or necessarily be known about by the ratepayer in advance.

Rates postponement policy

Council does not have a rates postponement policy.

Remission and postponement policy for Māori freehold land

Council is required pursuant to section 102 of the Local Government Act 2002 to have a policy on the remission and postponement of rates on Māori freehold land. Māori freehold land is defined in the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 as land whose beneficial ownership has been determined by a freehold order issued by the Māori Land Court. Section 108 of the Local Government Act 2002 prescribes that policy does not require Council to provide for remission of, or postponement of, the requirement to pay rates on Māori freehold land.