Water Rates

The rates for water by meter are separately assessed. Meters are read and invoiced on a three-monthly cycle.

Rates for water consumption measured by meter includes a supply/connection charge. For supply areas with metered water, the rate per cubic metre and supply/connection charge are as follows.

Volumetric Water Charges (Water by Meter)

These rates are assessed on rating units that are extraordinary water supply users (as defined in Council’s Bylaws) and those that have chosen volumetric charging. The rate is assessed on a differential basis based on the level of service provision (connection size and number of connections).

Water Fees & Charges

How To Pay Your Water Rates

You can pay your water rates by direct debit (PDF file, 114.0 KB), via credit card or online via account-to-account transfer. You can also pay by cash, EFTPOS, direct debt or automatic payments. To find out more, see paying your rates.

To find out more, contact our customer services team on 06 323 0000.