Selected Owner / Multi Dog

Selected Owner Status

Council rewards owners who provide better care for and control of their dogs. Selected owner status aims to provide an incentive within the registration fee structure that promotes responsible dog ownership.

Applications for Selected Ownership Status received after 1 May will not come into effect until the following registration year.

A reduced fee applies to neutered or spayed dogs, working dogs and dogs belonging to selected owners.

The fee structure rewards dog owners who:

  • Adequately fence their section
  • Neuter or spay their dog
  • Have a good record of dog ownership
  • Register their dog before the due date
  • Care for their dogs properly, e.g. provide them with a secure yard and a kennel that is weatherproof, of sufficient size, clean, and sanitary

Approved applicants who have not registered their dog(s) by 1 August in any registration year, or have on going complaints will have their Selected Ownership approval revoked.

Selected Owner Application (PDF file, 3.9 MB)

Permission to Keep More Than Two Dogs

The Dog Control Bylaw restricts the number of dogs permitted on properties in the urban area (i.e. zoned Residential or Village in the Manawatū District Plan). If you wish to keep more than two dogs on a property in the urban area, you will need to apply for a multiple-dog permit.

Approved applicants who have not registered their dog(s) by 1 August in any registration year, or have on going complaints will have their approval revoked.

Multi Dog Permit Update

New rules were adopted recently for managing the effects of dog boarding, breeding and training facilities under the District Plan and for managing of multiple dogs under a new Dog Control Bylaw.

We are currently reviewing historical Multi Dog Permits issued under the old bylaw to determine if they are still valid.

The new bylaw also states that existing permits will expire 12 months from 10 October 2019 being the commencement of the bylaw.

This means that people who wish to obtain a new Multi Dog Permit under the will need reapply to council using the application form.

Exclusions to the Multi Dog Permit include:

  • any dogs under the age of three months;
  • boarding, breeding and training kennels;
  • Working Dogs; or
  • a veterinary, or the SPCA or similar registered charity.

To find out more about the new Bylaw please go to: Dog Control Bylaw 2019 (PDF file, 1.2 MB)

People who own dog boarding, breeding and training facilities as defined under the Manawatū District Plan will need to obtain a resource consent for that activity.

We are already aware of some people who will need to obtain a resource consent for these activities and the compliance team will be contacting those people soon to assist them through that process. The planning team will also be available to answer any questions you may have about the resource consent process.

If you already have an existing resource consent you do not need to reapply.

Exclusions to the District Plan rules for boarding, breeding and training kennels include:

  • Farm working dogs and puppies up to three months of age.

To find out more about the new rules in the District Plan please go to: 3H of the District-wide rules (PDF file, 1.9 MB).

There is no need to reapply for selected ownership status. Previously approved selected ownership will continue to have effect.