Apply For Building Consent / PIM

Save time and money with self-service building consent applications; paper applications are no longer required. Our new building consents online system allows you to submit, manage and track applications from anywhere, at any time.

All applications submitted on or before 1 August 2017 will continue to be processed manually until the code compliance certificate has been issued.

All applications submitted on or after 1 August 2017 will be processed online. However, you can still submit a paper application if you wish, and we will load the information electronically for you. Please note this will incur a scanning fee.

Paper applications may be sent or delivered to; Manawatu District Council, 135 Manchester Street, Feilding.

Plans and Specifications

Your building consent application drawings should be clear, correct and complete.

All site plans must show spot levels or land contours including a datum, and the extents of any earthworks. This is required to assist Council with assessing earthworks, floor levels and the effects of secondary and overland flow. Spot heights and land contour details will not be required for pole sheds or other non-habitable accessory buildings without a floor. Refer to the MBIE website for general guidance.

Producer Statements

Producer statements can help support building consent applications and code compliance certification.

A producer statement is a professional opinion based on sound judgment and specialist expertise. The producer statement system is intended to provide Building Consent Authorities (BCAs) with reasonable grounds for the issue of a Building Consent or a Code Compliance Certificate.

They are used as one source of information which the council may rely upon to determine whether there are reasonable grounds to conclude that building work complies with the Building Code.

In considering whether to accept a producer statement, a council will normally assess the credentials of the author to ensure that person has the appropriate experience and competence in their particular field of expertise.

There are currently four types of producer statements, in use. They are known as:

PS 1 - Design
PS 2 - Design Review
PS 3 - Construction (often used by the installers of proprietary systems)
PS 4 - Construction Review.

It's important that producer statements for Design (PS1) or Design Review (PS2) detail the specific clause(s) of the Building Code that the design complies with, and how it complies with the Building Code (for example, Acceptable Solution or Verification Method, MBIE guidance and/or specific engineered design).

Pre-Application Meeting

Early discussions with us will help you make informed decisions about your project and avoid unnecessary processing delays if you are required to apply for a consent, permit or license. Pre-application meetings are recommended, especially for large or complex projects. You can request a pre-application meeting by following the link below.

Pre-Application Meeting

National Environmental Standard

You will need to submit a completed National Environmental Standard Assessment (PDF file, 210.6 KB) with your building consent application (both with online and paper applications) if your activities are covered by the NES. If you are unsure you can read more about NES here.

Apply for a Building Consent Online

  • Fast, convenient, easy to use
  • Track your application
  • No printing documents
  • Save dollars (no printing or scanning fees)

Print and Complete a Paper Application

If you wish to submit a paper application, download an application form below:

Need Help?

If you need assistance with your application you can:

Related Information

Building consent applications must be accompanied by the appropriate fee. This can be paid by internet banking referencing the submission number, applicant name and site address or over the counter at our offices at 135 Manchester Street, Feilding.