Building Inspections

The building consent process is about protecting people and property. When you book and pass each inspection, and are subsequently issued a Code Compliance Certificate, you will have documented assurance you have met the Building Act requirements.

Building consent inspections are conducted to verify that the granted building consent is being achieved through construction and thereby meets compliance with the Building Act 2004 and the building code.

At various stages during construction, you will need to arrange inspections to verify that the building work has been completed in accordance with the building consent documents. The inspections you’ll need will be listed on your building consent.

Common inspections for buildings may include but are not limited to foundations, concrete masonry, concrete floor slab, pre-cladding, cladding, pool fencing, wet area membranes, framing, fireplaces, pre-line building and plumbing, post-lining, drainage and a final.

Sometimes it is necessary for specialists to conduct inspections in addition to the inspections carried out by the Building Consent Authority (BCA). If a specialist inspection is necessary you will be advised before the consent is issued. Generally, these inspections are necessary to confirm ground stability or specific design by a registered engineer.

Book a Building Inspection

You can call us on 06 323 0000 between 8am and 5pm to request an inspection.

You’ll need to provide:

  • the address
  • building consent number for the project
  • a trade licensed building practitioner number if the work includes restricted building work
  • name and phone number of the contact person who will be onsite
  • your preferred date and time for the inspection
  • the type of inspection required (refer to your building consent for the inspection code)

All approved plans and specifications must be kept onsite with the building consent. Access to the site for staff to conduct inspections is required. The inspection will be unable to proceed if these are unavailable.

During an Inspection

At the time of the inspection, you, your agent or your builder needs to be on-site. You must have print copies of your consented plans and any associated documents with you. If you don't, we will decline your inspection on the spot.

Please ensure your site is safe and accessible for our inspectors. This includes providing a safe and suitable way for the inspector to access above-ground areas (for example, scaffolding). If you don't, the inspection may not be able to proceed.

Once you've provided the building officer with a physical copy of the consented plans, they will assess if the construction is in accordance with the building consent and will advise you of any issues. This may be in the form of a site instruction notice.

In serious cases the inspector may issue a Notice to Fix. In some instances, work may be allowed to continue even though the building officer has identified issues (e.g not all work completed). This will be clearly articulated in the inspection report.

A copy of the inspection report, which records the inspection findings will be provided to the applicant (agent / owner).

All fees including any levies must be paid prior to the issue of a code compliance certificate. Fees and charges are payable either online (bank transfer) or in person (at Manawatu District Council, Customer Service, 135 Manchester Street, Feilding).

Inspection Checklists

You can view the checklists our inspectors will go through on the following pages:

Notice to Fix

A Notice to Fix is a legal document issued when building work does not comply with the Building Act or building code. A Notice to Fix may require all or part of the building work to stop immediately. Any action required must be completed within the timeframe specified in the notice.


Infringement notices are issued by a Building Officer for serious offences under the Building Act 2004. Infringement fines range from $250 - $2000.

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