District Plan Review Forward Works Programme

This page gives a strategic overview of Council’s planning projects. The following lists provide a brief explanation of Council’s work programme. See the timetable at the end of this page for approximate dates relating to the wider programme.

District Plan Review

Priority Plan Changes

  • Rural & Flood Hazard Zone
  • Feilding Residential Zone
  • Growth Precinct 1-3
  • Heritage (Non-CBD) update
  • Natural Hazards

National Planning Standards Update

  • District Plan Reformat (phase 1)
  • District Plan Reformat (phase 2)
  • E-Plan

General Review

  • Complete Section 79(1) review of those parts of the District Plan not already reviewed.
  • Review of specific provisions where required

Strategic Planning

Structure & Infrastructure Planning

  • Structure Plan for Precinct 1-2
  • Feilding Stormwater Model
  • District wide

Growth Planning

  • Village growth & intensification plans
  • Prepare draft spatial plan
  • Manawatū Growth Strategy


  • Housing and subdivision growth monitoring (NPS-UD)

Tangata Whenua Resource Management Planning

  • Developing iwi partnerships
  • Protocols for plan making and consenting
  • Identifying significant resource management issues
  • Papakāinga, Marae and Waahi Tapu review

Implementing National Direction

  • National Planning Standards
  • National Policy Statement: Urban Development
  • National Policy Statement: Freshwater
  • National Policy Statement: Highly Productive Land


  • National Policy Statement: Production Forestry
  • National Policy Statement: Indigenous Biodiversity
  • Participation in RMA reform

Potential Additional Work:

  • Private Plan Changes
  • National Adaptation Plan
  • Participation in Regional Spatial Planning
  • Participation in Regional Mapping: Highly Productive Land

Indicative Timetable* - Strategic Planning Programme

Plan Change / Project202320242025
Manawatū Growth Strategy Concepts & Technical Adopted Pre-LTP  
National Policy Statement: Highly Productive Land  Regional Council Mapping Project Hearing
National Policy Statement: Urban Development Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring
Industrial Growth Plan Change   Commence
Plan Change / Project202320242025
Plan Change J(a): Minor Amendments Notify Hearing  
Plan Change J(b): Substantial Changes  Notify  
Plan Change H [Heritage / Notable Trees] Hearing 7 June, Decision Appeals  
Plan Change A [Rural & Flood Channel] Draft Consultation Notify, Hearing & Decision Appeals
Plan Change B [Feilding Residential & Village Zone]:         
  • Review & Intensification
  Draft Notify
  • Urban Growth Options
Plan Change Town Centre / Mixed Use   Draft, Notify
Plan Change / Project202320242025
Iwi Relationships Papakāinga, Marae Tangata Whenua Chapter - Protocols / Relationships Waahi Tapu, Cultural Landscapes
Hazards Work Feilding Stormwater, Rural Flood Hazard Village Stormwater, Ponding / Drainage, Liquefaction Coastal Environment, Resilience Planning

* Dependencies: this timeline is subject to contractor availability, budget & resourcing, RMA reform & legislative change.