Private Plan Change 1 - Rongotea South Residential Area

Te Kapiti Trust has lodged a private plan change request with the Manawatū District Council to re-zone 31.36 hectares of land adjacent to Rongotea Village for the purposes of housing development.


Plan Change Status
Operative: 21 December 2023
Decision: 27 July 2023
Commissioner Hearing: 30 May 2023
Further Submissions Closed: 3 March 2023
Further Submissions Opened: 16 February 2023
Notification Submissions Closed: 31 January 2023
Notified: 8 December 2022

The plan change request seeks to rezone 21.88 ha of land from Rural 2 Zone to Village Zone, an adjacent 10.48 ha is to remain as Rural 2 Zone, with an area set aside for public open space. To guide subdivision and development, a new chapter is proposed titled Rongotea South Development Area which includes the Rongotea South Structure Plan.

The map below indicates the proposed structure plan for the area subject to the plan change request.


Operative Documents

Commissioner Hearing Documents (Scheduled for 30/05/2023)