Frequently Asked Resource Consent Questions

How much is the deposit fee?

Please refer to the fees and charges page.

Do I have to tell my neighbour or anyone else about my proposal?

We believe that its courteous to talk to your neighbours when you have a proposal in mind or before starting construction works. However you are not legally required to do so unless they are considered an affected party. We can indicate to you who we think might be considered an affected party, but a full determination of this will not be undertaken until such time as we have received your completed application and a site visit has been undertaken.

If you do approach your neighbours and they are happy with your proposal, ask them to sign this form (PDF file, 622.7 KB), and provide this to Council with your resource consent application.

Can I stop my neighbours proposal going ahead?

If the development or activity is permitted by the District Plan rules, then it is unlikely that the proposal can be halted. Some activities that may generate excessive noise can still be investigated by Council if you contact us on 06 323 0000 and lay a complaint.

How long will it take for Council to process my resource consent?

The Resource Management Act allows the processing of a resource consent to take 20 working days. However, the Council may extend the timeframe under Section 37 of the Resource Management Act. From time to time applications may be placed on hold while we ask for further information from you. The timeframes continue once you provide that information.

How long does my resource consent last?

Resource Consents are granted in perpetuity unless otherwise specified. Resource Consents remain with the property that they relate to and therefore if a property is a sold with a resource consent the new owner is able to operate under the terms of that consent.

A resource consent must be started within five years of the decision being issued by Council. If the development or activity does not start, then the consent will automatically lapse and cannot be used. If your consent is due to lapse you can apply to Council to extend it within three months before it expires.

When can I start my activity or development?

As soon as you receive your decision, and subject to meeting any conditions set on the decision you may commence your activity or development.