Corridor Access Requests

Typically the Road Corridor is considered to be the area containing the road carriageway, berms or verges and footpaths. It extends from the property boundary on one side of the road to the property boundary on the other side of the road.

What Is a Corridor Access Request (CAR)?

A CAR is a form or notification submitted by anyone wishing to do work within the Road Corridor. No work should proceed without first submitting a CAR or notifying the Council of your intention to do work.

There are a number of ways you can submit a CAR:

  • Go to beforeUdig. This is a free site, however you will need to register. Doing this should be a pre-requisite for any work involving digging (including installing a fence on your front boundary). You will receive information from Chorus and PowerCo in relation to any buried phone or power lines. beforeUdig will automatically generate a CAR, which Council will receive, OR
  • Go to Submitica and enter the relevant details. This will also generate a CAR and is also a free site, OR
  • Fill out a Corridor Access Request form and submit to Council.

Please note, if you require information on Council assets (such as pipes under the ground) you will need to go to Council's Online Maps. We will not respond to beforeUdig requests.

When Do I Need To Have a CAR?

Any activity, event or work of any type that is within the Road Corridor must have a CAR. So that includes community events such as Christmas Parades, sporting events, races and all types of road works, telecom, power and gas installations.

Our Organisation Would Like To Hold an Event and Close the Road, What Do We Need To Do?

There are specific legal processes that we must follow in order to authorise a road closure. To assist us with this, we ask that you:

  • Notify us of your proposed road closure AT LEAST 60 days prior to the event.
  • Provide specific details of which road/s you are requesting to be closed, the duration and the date.
  • If the road closure is for a parade, race or similar, advise the route and direction of travel.
  • Ensure you engage a Traffic Management Company to provide the Traffic Management Plan and also the Traffic Management on the day. In some circumstances Council may do this on your behalf.
  • Provide evidence of Public Liability Insurance.

Once we have received your application, we will organise for public notification of the intention to close the road/s. We will place an advertisement in a local paper advising of the request and calling for any objections. This must be done AT LEAST 42 days prior to the event.

If we receive objections, they will be deliberated on at the next Council Meeting. We will let you know the outcome. Objections will also be passed on to the event organisers.

If no objections are received then the road closure is approved to proceed.

A second advertisement will then be placed in a local paper the week of the event to advise of the confirmed road closure.

Costs for advertising the road closure are normally passed on to the organisation involved.