Road Naming
In 2020, Manawatū District Council brought together our Road Naming Policy and Property Numbering Policy to form one overall Property Addressing Policy (PDF file, 384.8 KB). While this isn't vastly different, we have simplified the language and clarified some of the road naming criteria. This means that the Manawatū District will have a standardised way of naming roads that reflects our history and uniqueness.
As part of this update, we would like for our community to be able to suggest road names that have meaning to the district. Please fill out the form below if you have a suggestion. These will be processed by our Land Information Officer and added to the below road naming register if they meet the criteria. Developers and Council will be able to use names suggested by the community when naming new roads.
Approved Road Names | Manawatū District Council
Suggestion Form
Note: Your details will only be held by Council for the purpose of contacting you for further information about your suggestion. They will not be added to the public register.