Rural Rubbish & Recycling

Not all rural residents will have their kerbside rubbish picked up outside their front gate. Click here (PDF file, 370.1 KB) to locate your collection point on the map. Please also note both the date and direction that the collection truck is travelling.

If you do not live on a collection route, click here to find the nearest drop off point and collection day.

All rubbish must be in Council blue bags and outside in the correct location before 7:30am. Bags placed on the opposite side of the road to direction of travel will not be uplifted.

Bulk Rubbish Collections

We run multiple bulk rubbish collection events in some of the rural villages in our District. This means a truck travels to your area and picks up rubbish from your spring clean and any bulk/large items you have for collection, either from the kerbside or from a collection spot, depending on your location. How cool is that - we come to you!

  • All collections start at 9am
  • Normal refuse charges apply, see fees and charges
  • Eftpos only, no cash
  • No large whiteware
  • No hazardous waste

If you are a resident in or near Himatangi Beach, Pohangina, Rangiwahia, Tangimoana or Waituna West, click the box below to view your bulk collection dates and location:


Mobile Recycling Centres are currently positioned at:

  • Āpiti - Watsons Road, Āpiti - Google Map
  • Halcombe (excludes glass) - 46 Willoughby Street, Halcombe  - Google Map
  • Himatangi Beach - Koputara Road, Himatangi Beach - Google Map
  • Kimbolton - 7 London Street, Kimbolton - Google Map
  • Pohangina - 976 Finnis Road, Pohangina (Rear) - Google Map
  • Rongotea - Wear Street, Rongotea - Google Map
  • Sanson - 42 Dundas Road, Sanson - access from service lane off Burt Street/behind Z Service Station - Google Map
  • Tangimoana - Tangimoana Beach Road, Tangimoana - Google Map

Burning or Burying Rubbish

Some rural residents may decide to burn or bury their rubbish rather than disposing at the Waste Transfer Stations. By doing so can negatively affect your health, property and the wider environment.

Manawatu District Council recommends considering the alternatives below when dealing with your leftover waste:

Plastic Waste

Plasback is a private company who are accredited by the Ministry for the Environment. They can collect a variety of waste plastics such as bale wrap, feed bags, twine and high density polyethylene drums. Drums will need to be rinsed three times.

Recycling with Plasback is easy, simply:

  1. Buy Plasback liners online at, or from your local rural merchandising store
  2. Bag your waste as it accumulates - each product type requires its own bag
  3. Call 0508 338 240 to arrange for collection


A number of different options are available for the safe disposal of agricultural chemicals.

3R has annual council subsidised collections of various banned agrichemicals such as DDT and Dieldrin, Lindane, Chlordane (POPs). Other specific unwanted chemicals can also be collected for a fee.

Agrecovery is a not-for-profit charitable trust, funded by brand owners of agrichemical, animal health and dairy hygiene products. Some chemicals are free for disposal and collection, others are subsidised.

Agrecovery also provides free drop-off for participating brands of used agrichemical containers at sites located throughout NZ - Feilding's collection site is at PGG Wrightson, 18 Manchester Street, Feilding. Containers must be triple rinsed with lids off.