Water Supply

Almadale Water Treatment Plant

This collects and treats water from the Oroua River. The water is treated at Almadale before being distributed into Feilding along Kimbolton Road.

Campbell and Newbury Bores

Water is sourced through these bores and delivered along Campbell Road to Awa Street for treatment. The water is stored at the MacDonald’s Heights Reservoir distributed throughout Feilding. Approximately 6,202 properties are connected to the water supply.

Himatangi Water Supply

The Himatangi Beach Water Treatment Plant located at Koputara Road, Himatangi Beach, is designed to provide potable water for the residents of Himatangi Beach. Water is sourced from a bore on site, treated and then stored in two reservoirs. The treated water is then distributed through an on-demand reticulation network that includes firefighting capacity. Approximately 430 properties are connected to the water supply.

Ohakea Rural Water Supply

The Ohakea Water Treatment Plant located on A'Court Street, Sanson, is designed to provide potable water to the residents of Ohakea and the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) affected by the PFAS contamination. The Treatment Plant was designed with a one million litre water tank, with water being sourced from a 650 meter deep well. The treated water is distributed through a drip feed water supply system, which is connected to private individual water tanks. There is currently no fire-fighting capacity in the reticulation network. Approximately 77 properties and the NZDF are connected to the water supply.

Rongotea Water Treatment Plant

The Rongotea Water Treatment Plant located on Wye Street, is designed to provide potable water for the residents of Rongotea. Water is sourced from a bore on site, treated and then stored in a reservoir. The treated water is then distributed through an on-demand reticulation network that is available to the urban area of Rongotea and includes firefighting capacity. Approximately 80 properties are connected to the water supply.

Sanson Reservoir and Water Treatment Plant

The Sanson Water Treatment Plant located at Fagan Street, Sanson is designed to provide potable water for the residents of Sanson. Water is sourced from a bore on site before being treated in a brand new treatment facility and then stored in a reservoir. The treated water is distributed through a restricted reticulation network. There is currently no fire-fighting capacity in the reticulation network. Approximately 250 properties are connected to the water supply.

Stanway-Halcombe Rural Water Supply

This water is sourced from a shallow bore on the Rangitikei River, with reservoirs on Awawa Road and Makino Road. It is a non-potable, restricted water supply that services the surrounding farming community. This water supply is intended for stock only and is not recommended as a source of drinking water.

Waituna West Rural Water Supply

Water is sourced from a bore and stored in a reservoir on Williamson Road East. It is a potable, restricted water supply and services the surrounding farming community.

Kiwitea and Oroua No1

These are two independent Rural Water Supply Schemes that are community operated and administered.

What Are We Aiming For?

  • Safe drinking water where the New Zealand Drinking Water Standard Compliance Criteria are met.
  • A Water Network that is well maintained where water loss is kept to a minimum.
  • All network issues are attended to in a timely manner. If you are without water, our aim is to attend to your call within two hours. All other requests should be attended to within five working days. Our goal is to remedy a fault within nine hours. All other requests should be completed within ten working days of initial call.
  • Satisfaction with water supply service. Our mission is to maintain our system to such a degree that complaints regarding the water supply such as: clarity, taste, odour, pressure and continuity of supply, are kept to a minimum.
  • Managing the demand for water. The average consumption of water per day, per resident, within Council’s authority area is 260 litres.

Monitoring the Service

The water supplies are continuously monitored to ensure that they meet the relevant standards. This is done through:

  • Testing of water quality
  • Formal monthly audit of operations
  • Ministry of Health audit
  • Public Satisfaction Surveys conducted annually
  • Water Safety Plans have been prepared for each of the Council’s water supply schemes that require them. These plans are reviewed a minimum of every five years or as required by changes to legislation.