Privacy Statement

Your privacy is important to Manawatū District Council. This privacy statement covers our collection, use and disclosure of your personal information. It has been prepared in accordance with our obligations and your rights, as set out in the Privacy Act 2020.

At times we may amend the statement in response to developments in our services or privacy best practice.

Who you can contact for further information

If you have any queries or concerns about this Privacy Statement or personal data Manawatū District Council has collected, we are happy to respond or investigate.

Please contact us using one of the methods below:

  • Manawatū District Council Privacy Officer
  • Email:
  • Postal address: Private Bag 10001, Feilding 4743

For more information about our obligations and your rights under the Privacy Act, you can refer to the Privacy Commissioner's website: or call the Privacy Commissioner's enquiry line 0800 803 909.

Purpose for collection of personal information

We will only collect as much personal information as we require to provide our services and no more.

What kind of personal information we collect

The personal information we collect may include your name, date of birth, address, email address, telephone numbers, and gender. It may also include information on your use of our services or facilities and any other information provided by you through your communications with us.

When we collect your information

We may collect personal information about you as set out below.

When you or someone acting on your behalf provides information to us directly. For example, when you:

  • apply for employment with us;
  • correspond with us in person by letter, phone, text, email, or other means of electronic communication;
  • complete and submit forms or applications for consents, licences, housing, approvals, permits, funding, or other authorisations;
  • use any of our services or facilities, including using and signing up for our apps, newsletters or service updates;
  • prepare and submit a written submission, request, or other feedback in relation to consents, licences, approvals, permits, funding, other authorisations, or in relation to any form of draft or proposed plan, policy, bylaw, or other document;
  • follow or post comments in response to our social media or other facilities, such as Facebook, LinkedIn etc

We may keep a record of any information you acquire from us.

We may collect personal information about you from other organisations, entities or persons, such as:

  • our suppliers, which include organisations such as Land Information New Zealand, QV, solicitors/conveyancers, the New Zealand Policy, credit reporting agencies and other organisations, entities and persons where you have expressly authorised them to provide us with information.

Access to and correction of personal information

We will provide access to the personal informaiton we hold about someone if the person in question asks to see it.

We will allow a person to correct information about themselves if they think it is wrong. If we do not agree that the information needs correcting, we will attach a statement of correction or our records. This correction process does not include information held within the rates module. Any changes to rating information must be compliant with the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002.

CCTV and Video Recording of Council and Committee meetings

Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) is used in particular areas to monitor public places in order to help reduce crime and anti-social behaviour, and to promote community safety.

Signage indicates where CCTV equipment is operation. CCTV footage will only be viewed by authorised people in accordance with the purpose noted above, or when checking that the system is operational. No attempt will be made to identify individuals from CCTV footage except in cases of reported or suspected incidents requiring investigation.

In the interests of making our decision-making process transparent and accessible, most public Council and Committee meetings are recorded and the video recording made available on Council website. You will know which meetings are being filmed as there will be a sign clearly stating this before you enter the meeting room. Most of the filming will cover elected members as they speak and debate at the meeting, however the filming may also include shots of the public in the background and of anyone speaking at a public forum.

Online submission forms

All submissions (including name but not contact details) may be provided in their entirety to elected members and made available to the public at our office and on our website. Personal information (including contact details) will be used for the administration of he consultation process, including informing you of the outcome of the consultation.


This website uses cookies for the operation of the content management system and cookies that are part of Google Analytics.

Google Analytics

We use Google Universal Analytics to collect and analyse details about the use of our website.
The information Google Analytics collects includes:

  • your IP addresses
  • the search terms you used
  • the pages you accessed on the website and the links you clicked on
  • the date and time you visited the website
  • the referring website (if any) through which you clicked through to this website
  • your operating system (eg, Windows 10, Mac OSX)
  • the type of web browser you use (eg, Chrome, Safari, Edge, Mozilla Firefox)
  • other incidental matters such as screen resolution and the language setting of your browser.

No effort is made by Manawatū District Council to identify individual visitors.

Feedback Forms

Providing information via the feedback form allows us to identify which parts of the website are working well or need further refinement. All feedback form information you provide is optional.